Please, help

Herman Mann mann at
Fri Apr 4 21:09:27 CEST 2008

Dear Scilab developers,

Excuse me please for encroaching upon your time. We have developed 
a package called DYNAST for physical-level simulation some 25 years 
ago and we are still upgrading it regularly.  As you can see from 
the enclosed paper DYNAST can export transfer functions in a semi-
symbolic form fro MATLAB and also, it is capable of co-simulation
with Simulink. DYNAST users ask us for merging it with your software.
Could you please advice us about a source of information how to do

Looking forward to your favorable response,
With my best regards,

   Herman Mann
P.S. Please, have a look at

Dipl.Ing. Herman Mann, PhD. ScD.
Associated Professor
Computing and Information Centre
Czech Technical University in Prague
Phone +420-22435.2933 or -60558.6485
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