[Scilab-Dev] PVM

Collette Yann ycollet at freesurf.fr
Wed Apr 16 12:31:23 CEST 2008

No, just static libraries in the pvm directory.
I have attached a list of files contained in this directory.


Sylvestre Ledru a écrit :
> Hello Yann,
> Are you sure there is no dynamic library of PVM under Mandriva ?
> Under debian:
> ~$ dpkg -L pvm-dev|grep pvm3.so
> /usr/lib/libpvm3.so
> /usr/lib/libgpvm3.so
> If you confirm, I will add this check... However, I am not really keen
> on linking static lib in the Scilab binary.
> Sylvestre
> Le mercredi 16 avril 2008 à 11:46 +0200, Collette Yann a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> under mandriva-200[78], pvm is shipped as a static library (extension .a).
>> So as to the library to recognized, you must a the "a" extension in the 
>> m4/pvm.m4 file: libexts="a so so.1.0 sl dylib"
>> Most of the time, the pvm library is stored in a directory (let's call 
>> it DIR) which has for folliwing shape:
>> In the mandriva's case, it's /usr/share/pvm3/lib/LINUX (PVM_ARCH is set 
>> to LINUX).
>> So, you certainly must add:
>> - /usr/share/pvm3/lib in the dirs variable of pvm.m4
>> - and another "loop" to test the combination PATH_LIB_PVM/PVM_ARCH ...
>> YC

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