Link of Dynast with Scilab WAS: Please, help

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at
Wed Apr 16 22:44:55 CEST 2008

Hello Herman,

There are many way of "merging" (I would call it link) a third party
software/library with Scilab. It really depends your needs.

If you want to extend Scilab with your software, you can have a look to
If you want to export something in the Scilab language or in Scicos, you
will need to get familiar with Scilab/Scicos.

You will find many information on our website, in the Scilab
documentation, Wiki, mailing lists archives, and in the newsgroup. And
of course, you can always send questions on this mailing list.

By the way, I haven't been able to find the source of your program, is
it proprietary ? 

Hope this helps,

Le dimanche 13 avril 2008 à 14:52 +0200, Herman Mann a écrit :
> Dear Scilab developers,
> Excuse me please for encroaching upon your time. We have developed
> a package called DYNAST for physical-level simulation some 25 years
> ago and we are still upgrading it regularly.  As you can see from
> the enclosed paper DYNAST can export transfer functions in a semi-
> symbolic form fro MATLAB and also, it is capable of co-simulation
> with Simulink. DYNAST users ask us for merging it with your software.
> Could you please advice us about a source of information how to do
> it?
> Looking forward to your favorable response,
> With my best regards,
>    Herman Mann
> P.S. Please, have a look at
> Dipl.Ing. Herman Mann, PhD. ScD.
> Associated Professor
> Computing and Information Centre
> Czech Technical University in Prague
> Phone +420-22435.2933 or -60558.6485
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