
Herman Mann mann at
Mon Apr 21 13:33:17 CEST 2008

Dear Dr Gomez,

Excuse me please for encroaching upon your time. 

We have developed a package called DYNAST for physical-level 
simulation some 25 years ago and we are still upgrading it regularly.  
Since that time, DYNAST can set-up algebro-differential equations
for a physical scheme of a nonlinear dynamic system automatically. 
Also, it can then linearize the equations and deliver the required
transfer functions of the analyzed system in a semisymbolic form.
Dynast can be accessed across the Internet at and 
A paper on the software is enclosed.

Some of our users export the transfer functions to the MATLAB 
control-design environment or link it to Simulink  for co-simulation
of digitally controlled plants modeled in a realistic way. Years ago,
some of the users ask us for a similar option in the connection to
your software. 

I met some of your group members during IEEE CACSD Symposia in Taipei 
and Munich, they seemed to like my idea, they were able to communicate
in English, and promised sending me instructions how to adapt our 
software for its communication with Scilab. They, however, never sent
me anything and did not answered my e-mails. All French people I met 
so far were very polite, so I have no explanation for such behavior. 

Looking forward to your favorable response,
With my best regards,

   Herman Mann

Dipl.Ing. Herman Mann, PhD. ScD.
Associated Professor
Computing and Information Centre
Czech Technical University in Prague
Phone +420-22435.2933 or -60558.6485

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