[Scilab-Dev] SEP#12: Scipad - Add support for encodings

fvogelnew1 at free.fr fvogelnew1 at free.fr
Thu Dec 25 17:44:16 CET 2008

Selon Yung-Jang Lee <yjlee123 at gmail.com>:

> After apply the attached patch, I can test the implementation. It work for
> me with CP950 and utf8 encoding and fit my need for editing utf8 files.


> But I feel the encoding list is too long for  selecting. I think most users
> only play with a few of them but they distributed among this long encoding
> list  that make selection difficult.


> Can we put the most recent selected encoding at the top of the list or just
> put system encoding and utf8 at the top ?

Sure I can, although the work load is not the same in all cases. I can propose
the following options:

Option 1:
  The encoding menu has a submenu with a MRU list of encodings. Let's say this
list has up to 5 items. An additional item labelled "All encodings" allows to
open a submenu with all the encodings known by the application:
   Options ->
      Encoding ->
         (possibly other entries here)
         ------    (separating line)
         More encodings ->
The MRU list is saved in the preferences file of Scipad.

Option 2:
  Same layout in the options menu than for option 1, but instead of managing a
MRU list there is only two options which are the default platform system
encoding detected at Scipad startup, and utf-8.

Needless to say, option 2 is much easier to implement than option 1. I
understand that option 1 would perhaps be more convenient, but properly managing
a MRU list is also a lot of work (believe me, I did it for the file menu).

So what's your opinion about these two options?


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