Genetic algorithms and scilab

COLLETTE Yann yann.collette at
Tue Feb 5 13:24:20 CET 2008


I've made a Genetic Algorithm Toolbox. To test it, you will need to 
install some other packages:

- Some test problems :
 There are not loader.sce and builder.sce because I'm still implementing 
some test problems (a set of fortran functions from the La Cumparsita 
data set and the minpack2. The first one is nearly finished, I need to 
write the documentation for the other one).
- The toolbox to manage parameters (like with optimset and optimget):
 There is a loader.sce file and a builder.sce ...
  It's easier to manage extra parameters via a list of parameters than 
via a long command line. Using the param toolbox, I can leave on the 
command line only the most important parameters. All the fine tuning is 
done by setting up parameters values via the param toolbox.
- The Genetic Algorithm toolbox:
 There is a loader.sce file and a builder.sce ...
 In this toolbox, I've implemented some well known algorithms:
   - the classical genetic algorithm which works on binary string 
(tested in the second part of the demo file GAdemo.sce);
   - the evolutionnary algorithm which works directly on the variable 
(tested in the first part of the demo file GAdemo.sce for a continuous 
variable test problem and in the GAIsing2ddemo.sce for a combinatorial 
test problem);
   - MOGA: the multi-objective genetic algorithm. A classical 
multi-objective algorithm, be not really efficient. Tested in MOGAdemo.sce.
   - NSGA: the niched sharing genetic algorithm. A good improvement wrt 
MOGA. Tested in NSGAdemo.sce.
   - NSGA2: the 2nd version of NSGA. Certainly the best multi-objective 
algorithm so far. No extra parameters and quite efficient. See 
NSGA2demo.sce for a demonstration.

The genetic algorithm is certainly the most flexible algorithm so far 
(not the most efficient). You can solve a large spectrum of problems 
with such a method.

My question is: what do I need to do to see a genetic algorithm being 
included in scilab ?

I am also very interested by some feedback to improve all these packages ...

Your sincerely,


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