[Scilab-Dev] Genetic algorithms and scilab

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at inria.fr
Tue Feb 5 15:31:51 CET 2008

> > * you understand that this dev will have to follow the release plan of Scilab (ie: low rate of release)
> >   
> What is a "low rate of release" ?
At the moment, we will keep the same release schema.
IE, one big release every 18 months (more or less) and a small one every
6 (but you may have noticed that we haven't respected this schedule
during the last few months ;)

> > * you add unitary tests for each function.
> >   
> OK, I will have a look at the unitary tests in some scilab modules to 
> see how these tests work.
It is straightforward.
In a .tst file, you write some Scilab code using your function (normal
use and special uses), for example: 
You run the test series on your module
( see:
http://wiki.scilab.org/Unitary_and_non_regression_testing_of_Scilab )

It is going to complain since you don't have any reference for your
test. But in the mean time, it is going to produce a .dia (for diary). 
Rename it to .dia.ref and launch the test again. Your test will be

We use them more and more. Thanks to these tests, if we change anything
in the "core" of Scilab, we can see very quickly the impact it will
An user can also have quickly an idea of what we will broken on his
Scilab if he tests with exotic lib or platform.


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