
Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at
Thu Feb 7 23:32:44 CET 2008

Hello guys,

I added a function in scilab called

In the dynamic part, at the moment, under Linux, I return all the memory
(swap, cached and physical) information I can find. I also return some
stuff about the version of the OS. [1]
I am going to add more information about the CPU.

Do you see anything else I could add in this function ?


 ans  =
!Total memory:    2075292            !
!                                    !
!Used memory:    1957132             !
!                                    !
!Free memory:     118160             !
!                                    !
!Shared memory:          0           !
!                                    !
!Buffers memory:      82192          !
!                                    !
!Cached memory:     181492           !
!                                    !
!Used -/+ buffers/cache:    1693448  !
!                                    !
!Free -/+ buffers/cache:     381844  !
!                                    !
!Total swap:    3903784              !
!                                    !
!Used swap:    1962404               !
!                                    !
!Free swap:    1941380               !
!                                    !
!OS version: Linux 2.6.22-3-686      !

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