License of Scilab 5

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at
Fri Feb 8 08:25:00 CET 2008

Sylvestre Ledru said on 07/02/2008 15:32:
> The INRIA and the Scilab Consortium have finally decided to change the
> license of Scilab to CeCILL [1] [2].

So you abandoned the dual licensing scheme. Please confirm.

Moreover which CeCILL are you talking about here? Cecill-A ? please 

> PS: Technically speaking, we will soon release the Alpha version of
> Scilab 5. This version will be released under the term of the CeCILL
> license. However, we are aware of a few licenses issues which will be
> dealt with later.

Scipad must be among those. Please confirm.

Several contributors have sent a formal letter to the Scilab 
Consortium about the license change recently and we would like to get 
a formal answer from the Consortium (and not from Sylvestre Ledru). 
This can also be brought to the public place if the Consortium likes 
it better.


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