XML editor Scilab addon

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at free.fr
Tue Jul 15 23:07:54 CEST 2008

Hmmm, worked later.

Maybe I didn't see the new addon the first times, but...


François Vogel said on 15/07/2008 22:02:
> Hi,
> At the bottom of this page:
> http://wiki.scilab.org/howto/scilab_documentation_kit
> it is explained how to add the server for the Scilab configuration addon 
> "scilab_config.xxe_addon"
> Fine, this works.
> However, later when selecting Options|Install Add-ons, the add-on called 
> "A configuration for the Scilab subset of DocBook 5" is NOT part of the 
> list of all available add-ons.
> Any idea, perhaps? Is this working for you?
> Francois

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