Sergey sergey.sol at mail.ru
Sat Jun 7 01:35:16 CEST 2008

>>P = sdpvar(4,4,'symmetric');
>>                            !--error 4 
>> undefined variable : sdpvar                  
>> at line      17 of exec file called by :    
>> exec demos/basicsex.sci;

>>and with this my motivation for investigating further fades.

If you would follow instruction how to install yalmip in my very first email 
you might have it works. But i am sure you didn't have time for this... It much 
simpler to reply something...like that. Warnings with the longname appears only 
in slilab 4.1.2 version whenever I did the tests for previous one. I realized 
that submitting of this email thread was a very stupid idea from my side. Maybe 
I thought that you reaction will not be so inadequate. I apologize for this. 
Excuse me.... I will never repeat it in the future.

P.S. Thanks for your investigation with the input function, in spite of the 
fact that I've already founded rootcause myself.


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