[Scilab-Dev] Re: Scipad icon

Enrico Segre enrico.segre at weizmann.ac.il
Tue Jun 24 14:58:02 CEST 2008

Here is a preliminary list with some comments, and the set. Let me know
if you need any clarification.

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 file                         |   use         | meaning
arrowcursor.gif               | button, menu  | run script until current cursor position
arrowend.gif                  |               |   < unused >
arrowend2.gif                 | button, menu  | cancel debugging mode
arrowenter.gif                | button, menu  | run to next line stepping into functions 
arrowexit.gif                 | button, menu  | run to first line out of current function
arrowframe.gif                | button, menu  | configure debug execution & parameters
arrowignore.gif               | button, menu  | continue execution ignoring breakpoints    
arrowin.gif                   | button, menu  | execute until next breakpoint
arrowout.gif                  |               |   < unused >
arrowover.gif                 | button, menu  | run to next line at same call level 
arrowstop.gif                 | button, menu  | break anything currently running 
arrowtoreturn.gif             | button, menu  | execute until next line before a 
                              |               |    potential return point     
arrowtoreturn2.gif            |               | < unused >, uglier variation of the previous      
arrowwatch.gif                | menu (-->WM)  | icon for the watch window dashboard  
breakpointreturn.gif          |               |  < unused > [would be: set a breakpoint at
                              |               |    any potential line before return]
dbs_DebugInProgress_48x24.gif | watch win Led | Debugger currently activated                 
dbs_NoDebug_48x24.gif         | watch win Led | Debugger yet to be armed
dbs_ReadyForDebug_48x24.gif   | watch win Led | Debugger configured and ready to roll
prompt_busy_48x24.gif         | watch win Led | Scilab interpreter computing         
prompt_ready_48x24.gif        | watch win Led | Scilab interpreter idle
removeallbp.gif               | button, menu  | remove all currently set breakpoints 
scipad-editor.gif             |  WM           | SciPad icon     
scipad-editor16x16.gif        |  WM, toolbar  | small SciPad icon          
setbp.gif                     | button, menu  | Set a breakpoint at current line
stepstep.gif                  |               |   < unused >

A few random remarks:
As previously written, these icons have been built combining some graphical elements,
which I've subjectively chosen as symbols for actions -- i.e. a pink dot stands for 
a breakpoint, a blue box for a scilab function, a black/dotted arrow for the execution
of scilab code.

Some extra icons and variations were made on stock, but weren't finally used.

In scilab, breakpointing/ stopping is on a per codeline basis. Therefore, functionally
a breakpoint is located between two lines. In Scipad, we highlight the line *next* to
the breakpoint (execution breaks before this line). Graphically, we mixed "point" and
"line" semantics (e.g., the editor pinks a whole line when pushing the pink dot button).

"Use" marked as "menu" means that the icon is also used in the Scipad Debug menu. I read
that this is disreccommended by Tango. 

Buttons are used in the watch window dashboard, which is the main control panel of the 
Scipad Debugger. There was some discussion in the past between me and Francois about 
whether the button appearance should be "windows" or "linux", i.e. about normal vs 
roll-on highlight and relief of the button. A reccomendation in either sense would
be acceptable.

The current Scipad uses scipad-editor.gif as WM icon for all its subwindows; it would
be nice, since we have it, to use arrowwatch.gif for the watch window.

Colors of the leds were chosen consistently to the colors previously (arbitrarily) used
with the same meaning in the status areas of the bottom of the main Scipad window.
As for the led graphics, ladybug stands obviously for bug, hence debugger [and this should
be disreccommended, as it relies on a lexycal a hint valid in English only];
"-->" represents the scilab prompt and is as such very recognizable to scilab users,
but of no value for a general set of debugger icons.

For most icons, I kept and can provide also larger versions of the files (128x128,
generally), and Gimp xcf versions of the layered pixmaps.
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