FW: [Scilab-Dev] Re: Scipad icon

Cube cube at szypulka.com
Wed Jun 25 11:36:32 CEST 2008

Hello Tango! Artists,

[perhaps we can do this in form of a Tango! Friday?]

Scilab (www.scilab.org) is a software that basically performs numeric calculations. I created an icon for this (http://cubestuff.wordpress.com/2008/06/06/scilab-goes-tango/), but they said they want more.

They send me a preliminarly list with some comments, as you can see in the original message. They want us basically to create more icons, for Scipad. There is a lot more information written in the attached files, especially in the .txt file.

What do you think? Is that doable? Can we do this?

I'm writing this to you because I cannot make them all alone and would need your help.

Thanks in advance,

Jakub Szypulka
Tango artist

MSN: kubasz at yahoo.com
ICQ: 264595412
AIM: aimcube

Skype: cube_s
Yahoo!IM: kubasz
Xfire: cubibubi

GTalk: cubibubi at googlemail.com
GaduGadu: 11945489
IRC: (Freenode) ``Cube


-----Original Message-----
From: Enrico Segre [mailto:enrico.segre at weizmann.ac.il] 
Sent: Dienstag, 24. Juni 2008 14:58
To: dev at lists.scilab.org
Subject: RE: [Scilab-Dev] Re: Scipad icon

Here is a preliminary list with some comments, and the set. Let me know if you need any clarification.

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