[Scilab-Dev] plotframe obsoleted

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at free.fr
Sat Jun 28 18:34:27 CEST 2008

mottelet at dma.utc.fr said on 28/06/2008 10:57:
> maybe you can create an empty axes and then turn on everything
> at hand

Yes, this is working, thanks.

> Now I am an expert of the new graphics :-) (I've almost
> finsished porting the plotlib).

Just for my education, why is the plotlib still needed with the 
current Scilab5 graphics?

I have used it extensively from Scilab 2.7 to Scilab 4. Shame on me, I 
never took the time to thank you for having made it available, so 
let's state it now: this saved me a LOT of time in the past, many thanks.

I'm now in the process of converting my scripts so that they can work 
with Scilab 5 and the new graphics. This is... well, not so easy due 
to numerous graphics bugs (but IMO this is largely due to java, not 
the new graphics scheme itself). However I must admit that, once 
you've bought your driving license, new graphics are easier/clearer to 
use than the old graphics. I've been using the plotlib mainly because 
I could not achieve what I wanted with the old graphics. With the new 
graphics any calls to the plotlib have found a Scilab-only 
replacement. Just wondering.


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