[Scilab-Dev] Localization Scilab / Scipad

Enrico Segre enrico.segre at weizmann.ac.il
Sun Jun 29 10:42:22 CEST 2008

Hi Sylvestre,

> * The easy one, when Scilab is started in an other language, I would
> like to tell to Scipad to use the same language. What would be the best
> way to do it ?

One easy way (when scipad is already started) is 

TCL_EvalStr("set lang "+LANG+"; relocalize","scipad");

where LANG is the scipad language code {eng fr de it es ...}, for
hystorical reasons not yet RFC- uniformized (but could be done easily,
just renaming .msg files and mass-subsituting the identifiers in the

For the first launch of scipad in a session, we could make provisions in
scipad.sci for starting scipad with the desired language instead of
reading it from the saved preference file.

However, please note that the current localization set of scilab is a
small subset of that of scipad. Would really have sense to force the
scipad language to be the default choice for scilab, when more choices
are available (and the user might have already chosen one)? Imho the
problem stays even if the scilab set grows, as long as the two language
sets don't coincide.

Perhaps what you want is that at first run of scilab (no scipad
preference file existing yet) the default scipad language matches that
of scilab?

> * I am coming back on a point we discuss almost a year ago about the
> localization of Scipad itself. At the moment, Scipad and Scilab don't
> use the same procedure for localization. As a matter of uniformisation
> and simplification, it would be great if Scipad could switch to
> gettext. 
> Basically, this involves to:
> 	- change the call to the localization process (basically gettext)
> 	Gettext is providing two examples for the use of gettext in TCL:
> http://publicsvn.songbirdnest.com/browser/vendor/gettext/current/gettext-tools/examples/hello-tcl/hello.tcl
> http://publicsvn.songbirdnest.com/browser/vendor/gettext/current/gettext-tools/examples/hello-tcl-tk/hello.tcl
> 	As you already know, I am not at all a TCL guru. Then, I leave to your
> judgment which one would be best for Scipad. 
> 	- convert your current localization files to the gettext format

At first sight, I'm not sure I understand the point - these examples
just wrap procedure mc of package msgcat, which is exactly what we are
using. What has gettext to do?


ps: what about making the debugger work, first?

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