Сергей sergey.sol at mail.ru
Thu May 1 15:40:49 CEST 2008

Note: This defect is reproducible only if I open basicsex.sci in scipad and
then perform Execute->Load into scilab.


But, for example, If I just type in scilab command line exec('basicsex.sci')
defect is not seen.




From: Сергей [mailto:sergey.sol at mail.ru] 
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 3:41 AM
To: 'dev at lists.scilab.org'


Hello SciLab team.


Can you please help me with the bug I have with SciLab( I use scilab 4.1.1)


How to reproduce:


1.	Extract attached zip file to some folder.
2.	in scilab change current directory to the folder ../scilab_yalmip
3.	execute the file ../scilab_yalmip/init.sci


Now  open the file ../scilab_yalmip/demos/basicsex.sci and execute this

After the script execution has finished try to click the button "open file"
in scilab environment you will get an error message:


Scilab has found a critical error (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)

Scilab may become unstable



After that further working with SciLab is impossible. 





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