[Scilab-Dev] SNNS developpement

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at inria.fr
Thu May 15 00:26:20 CEST 2008

Hello Christophe,

I am also french but there is many non-french speakers on this mailing
list (what a shame they don't speak french ;).

For now, and as far as I know, nobody as been working on linking SNNS to
Scilab. It was an idea from Yann Collette (who is registered on this
mailing list) for the Google Summer of Code.

There is a few ways of linking a library to Scilab:
* you can provide all the feature of the library straight into Scilab 
* you can hide the complexity of the library by providing "high level"
We did both solutions, it depends what we want to achieve.

If you are willing to help, we could create and update the page on the
wiki with more information.


Le mercredi 14 mai 2008 à 18:21 +0000, Christophe Reche a écrit :
> Bonjour
> Je vous écrit car je serai intéressé departiciper au développement de
> SNS pour Scilab. Il n'y a malheureusement pas plus d'informations
> disponibles en ligne pour savoir plus dans le détail les
> fonctionnalités qu'il faudra développer et comment ... Pourriez vous
> me tenir au courant ?
> Merci d'avance !
> Christophe
> Hello
> I am writting you because  I would be interested to participate to the
> development of SNNS for Scilab. Unfortunately there is not more
> information available online to know more in detail the
> functionalities to develop and how ... Could you keep me informed
> about it ?
> Thank you in advance
> Christophe
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