[Scilab-Dev] Re: [Scilab-loc] Double value and single value in gui.pot

Vincent COUVERT vincent.couvert at inria.fr
Wed May 28 08:31:59 CEST 2008


We must not take mexlib.c into account for the standardization of Scilab 
messages. The mexlib module is just an interface to use Matlab MEX-files 
from Scilab and the data types defined in mexlib.c do not exactly match 
Scilab data types.

sci_matrix is the standard data type when you use Scilab (e.g. when you 
enter a=1, a is a sci_matrix in C code) and has nothing to do with 
MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE which is the data type used when you enter 
a=int8(1) for example.

So MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE is not so bad even if the fact that this 
data type can be real or complex...


Yung-Jang Lee a écrit :
> Wait ,
> You have defined MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE and 
> MATRIX_OF_COMPLEX_DATATYPE in stackTypeVariable.h which are used for 
> calling F77 code,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> and then define sci_matrix , sci_poly .. in stack-c.h which are used 
> for scilab internal,
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> typedef enum {
>   sci_matrix = 1 ,
>   sci_poly = 2 ,
>   sci_boolean = 4 ,
>  ..
> --------------------------------------------------------
> And then I find statement in function overloadtype which is called by 
> getrhsvar, here all numeric type (double,integer,rational  and 
> complex)  are  maped  to  sci_matrix
> -------------------------------------------------
>   case 'd' :  case 'i' :  case 'r' :  case 'z' :   /* numeric */
>     ityp=sci_matrix;
>  -------------------------------------------------------------
> Finally, in mexlib.c you use DOUBLEMATRIX  to represent sci_matrix.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> #define DOUBLEMATRIX sci_matrix
> ------------------------------------------------------
> .
> I think DOUBLEMATRIX defined in mexlib.c cause confusion and the 
> second row in  table of 'data type nameing' in  ScilabWiki page,
> http://wiki.scilab.org/Localization_in_English_-_Standard_messages
> should be changed to
> constant :   sci_matrix : -->a generic numeric type or
> union of MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE,                      
> , sci_matrix is not just MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE.
>     _DATATYPE will cause trouble, because MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE is
>     used heavily in calling F77 code.
> sci_matrix  may  has a generic  name 'MATRIX_OF_NUMERIC_DATATYPE'  and 
> let MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE to a represent (double precision ) real 
> matrix  just like its role in F77 code.
> YungLee
> 2008/5/27 Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre.ledru at inria.fr 
> <mailto:sylvestre.ledru at inria.fr>>:
>     Hmmm, after a quick look with Vincent C. (who is also on this mailing
>     list), we realize that, yes, 'MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE' is badly
>     choose name in the source. It is causing confusion in the code.
>     We are going to rename it to something like
>     Any comments on this?
>     > To avoid mistake, use 'a real' if it really need  a real, 'real
>     > matrix' if we need a real matrix or 'real or complex matrix' if we
>     > need a  generic data.
>     Yep, we are reading all messages (you can imagine how sexy it is) and
>     changing thme.
>     Sylvestre
>     PS: I c/c the dev mailing list since it is border-line.
>     Le mardi 27 mai 2008 à 20:08 +0800, Yung-Jang Lee a écrit :
>     > If we ever trace the code, (for example GUI\sci_gateway\c
>     > \sci_delmenu.c)
>     >
>     >
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     >       // Unset a Menu a Scilab Graphic Window
>     >       if (VarType(1) != sci_matrix)
>     >         {
>     >           Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong type for first input argument:
>     > Double value expected.\n"),fname);
>     >           return FALSE;
>     >         }
>     >       GetRhsVar(1, MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, &nbRow, &nbCol,
>     > &stkAdr);
>     >
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     > 'Double value' always maps to 'MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE' which
>     means
>     > 'real or complex matrix' in Scilab. (Memory representation of
>     > variables or
>     > http://wiki.scilab.org/Localization_in_English_-_Standard_messages
>     > ).
>     >
>     > But if we follow the gui context then 'Double value' seems to
>      mean 'a
>     > real' (I don't expect to read any complex value in GUI
>     applications).
>     >
>     > The use of 'Double value' causes trouble in interpretation of the
>     > meaning, especially if coupled with the use of  'Single value' which
>     > means 1x1 matrix.
>     >
>     > To avoid mistake, use 'a real' if it really need  a real, 'real
>     > matrix' if we need a real matrix or 'real or complex matrix' if we
>     > need a  generic data.
>     >
>     >
>     > YungLee
>     >
>     > 2008/5/27 Shiqi Yu <shiqi.yu at gmail.com <mailto:shiqi.yu at gmail.com>>:
>     >         I think they are all means a double float point real
>     >         scalar(1x1 matrix), but we can't replace them with 'real or
>     >         complex matrix'.
>     >         First, if we use 'matrix', users will input a MxN (M,N>1)
>     >         matrix.
>     >         Second, I think they must be real and can't be complex.
>     >
>     >
>     >         2008/5/27 Yung-Jang Lee <yjlee123 at gmail.com
>     <mailto:yjlee123 at gmail.com>>:
>     >
>     >
>     >                 Hi all,
>     >
>     >                 In gui.pot , I found following different messages
>     >
>     >                       'A double value expected',
>     >                       'A double expected',
>     >                       'Scalar value expected',
>     >                       'A value expected',
>     >                       'Single value expected'
>     >
>     >                 and they all means 'A real or complex'.
>     >
>     >                 I module gui, 'double value' means 'real or complex
>     >                 matrix', 'single value' means '1x1 matrix' and 'A..'
>     >                 also means  '1x1 matrix' . Follow this way,   we
>     have
>     >
>     >                 'A double vaule'  == 'Single value'  == 'A value'.
>     >
>     >                 I think this induce unnecessary mistake. It is
>     better
>     >                 to replace 'double value'  to 'real or complex
>     matrix'
>     >                 or just 'matrix'  in gui module.
>     >
>     >                 YungLee
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >         --
>     >         Shiqi Yu
>     >         Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology,
>     >         Chinese Academy of Sciences.
>     >         Homepage: http://yushiqi.cn
>     >

Centre de Recherche INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
Domaine de Voluceau - B.P. 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
Equipe Projet SCILAB
Bâtiment 1B - Bureau 013
Email : vincent.couvert at inria.fr
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