[Scilab-Dev] Re: and idea for the development of Scipad

Torbjørn Pettersen torbjorn.pettersen at broadpark.no
Sat Oct 18 11:04:03 CEST 2008

François Vogel skrev:
>> By the way, it would be great to have
>> unitary tests here.
> You mean, for function help_from_sci, right? Not for the feature in 
> Scipad I guess.
> Also an updated help file would be needed. The one I currently have is 
> consistent with the very first version of help_from_sci. It does not 
> deal with the new third argument.
> Both points left to the author of help_from_sci unless he really does 
> not want to go ahead.
With "both points" you mean unitary tests and a new helpfile, right?

An updated helpfile is enclosed. Writing documentation seems to kill my 
writing skills, so if I've missed or miss explained something just let 
me know.

But what is meant with unitary tests? A set of test cases to check the 
validity of the code? Are there any guidelines for writing such tests?

By the way - what is SEP an acronym for? I'm usually good at deciphering 
three-letter-abbreviations, but not this one.

You may want to check that the links in the help_from_sci help file 
works when including it into scilab.
help_from_sci generate links to the help pages of the functions listed 
in the "See also" section of the help file.
The xml code looks like this:

       <title>See also</title>
       <simplelist type="inline">
       <member><link linkend="help">help</link></member>
       <member><link linkend="help_skeleton">help_skeleton</link></member>
       <member><link linkend="xmltohtml">xmltohtml</link></member>

which as far as I can tell should be consistent with the xml format used 
in Scilab 5.

On my system this type of code gives poor links when linking to built in 
scilab commands and functions, but the links works well when linking to 
user-added functions. I suspect it might be a Scilab bug related to 
builder_help.sce (from SCI\contrib\toolbox_skeleton), but I haven't had 
the time to check it thoroughly.



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