[Fwd: Announce: Tcl3D 0.3.3 released]

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at free.fr
Mon Sep 15 08:40:39 CEST 2008

FYI, just in case...


-------- Message original --------
Sujet : Announce: Tcl3D 0.3.3 released
Date : Sun, 14 Sep 2008 22:19:55 +0200
De : Tcl3D Info <info at tcl3d.org>
Organisation : (posted via) M-net Telekommunikations GmbH
Forum : comp.lang.tcl

Dear Tcl'ers,

I'm pleased to announce version 0.3.3 of Tcl3D.

Tcl3D offers the 3D functionality of OpenGL and other 3D libraries
at the Tcl scripting level.
This is accomplished by wrapping the libraries with the help of SWIG.

The Tcl3D package consists of the following building blocks:

tcl3dTogl     Enhanced Togl widget, a Tk widget for OpenGL content.

tcl3dUtil     Tcl3D utility library (math, shapes, stop watch, ..).
tcl3dOgl      Wrapper for basic OpenGL functionality.
tcl3dOglExt   Wrapper for enhanced OpenGL functionality.

tcl3dCg       Wrapper for NVidia's Cg shading language.
tcl3dSDL      Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Library.
tcl3dFTGL     Wrapper for the OpenGL Font Rendering Library.
tcl3dGl2ps    Wrapper for the OpenGL To Postscript library.
tcl3dOde      Wrapper for the Open Dynamics Engine.

tcl3dGauges   A Tcl3D package for displaying gauges.

tcl3dDemoUtil Utilities in C/C++ needed for some demo applications

Tcl3D comes with lots of demo and test programs.

Tcl3D sources, binaries and demos are available at http://www.tcl3d.org/

Please send questions, bug reports or any other feedback about Tcl3D to
<info at tcl3d dot org>, or visit the Tcl3D related pages on the Wiki:
     http://wiki.tcl.tk/15278 (Tcl3D)
     http://wiki.tcl.tk/16057 (Tcl3D Discussion)
     http://wiki.tcl.tk/17771 (Tcl3D Demo of the Month)


Paul Obermeier

Version history:

Version 0.3.3, released 2008/09/14
Bug fix and maintenance release

   - Enhancements:
     + Enhanced documentation:
       Reference manual for Tcl3D specific functions.
       User manual updated and enhanced.
     + Added 64-bit Linux to the supported list of platforms.
     + Improved Mac OS X support:
       Fixed resize problems in presentation framework.
       Consistent mouse button behaviour across operating systems.
     + Trackball module supports multiple windows.
       CAUTION: Incompatible change. Additional Togl window parameter in
                procedures tcl3dTbAnimate, tcl3dTbInit, tcl3dTbMatrix.
       Thanks to Michael Magoga for this patch.
     + New OpenGL utility procedures:
       tcl3dOglGetIntState, tcl3dOglGetFloatState, tcl3dOglGetDoubleState.
       tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureSize, tcl3dOglGetMaxTextureUnits,
       tcl3dOglGetViewport, tcl3dOglGetShaderInfoLog,
       tcl3dOglGetShaderSource, tcl3dOglShaderSource, 
     + New low-level routines for copying Tcl lists into a vector:
       Tcl utility procedure tcl3dVectorFromList updated to
transparently use the
       new low-level routines.
     + Starpacks now allow drag-and-drop of TclKit files.
     + tcl3dGetExtFile not constrained to Starkits anymore.
       Thanks to Jean-Claude Gohard for supplying a vfs and zvfs enabled
     + New utility functions for random number generation (same
algorithm at C
       and Tcl level).
   - Bug fixes:
     + Bug fix in tcl3dGauges: Eliminated bgerror procedures.
       Thanks to Alexandre Ferrieux and Synic for hints on this bug.
     + Several bug fixes in the presentation framework.
       Thanks to Philip Quaiffe for hints and other useful discussions.
     + Several other minor bug fixes.
   - New demos:
     + 19 new demos added since release 0.3.2.
       These have been previously released as Tcl3D Demo of the month.

Version 0.3.2, released 2007/02/25
Demo cleanup and first official Mac OS X support

   - Unification of demo applications and presentation framework.
   - New module tcl3dDemoUtil for C/C++ based utility functions needed by
     some of the demos for speed issues.
   - More NeHe tutorials added: Lessons 14, 22-24, 26, 28, 33, 36, 37,
41, 45-48.
   - Nine demos from www.GameProgrammer.org added.
   - Updated Tcl3D manual. Created separate demo overview document.
   - Added support to capture screenshots (Module tcl3dCapture).
   - Added new functionality to tcl3dUtil: ArcBall emulation.
   - Added windowing system specifics (SwapInterval, Multisampling) to the
     tcl3dTogl widget.
   - Added support for Visual Studio 2003 (7.1) and 2005 (8.0).
   - Enhanced tcl3dVector functionality.
     + Utility functions for manipulation of image data stored in
         tcl3dVectorCopy, tcl3dVectorCopyChannel,
         tcl3dVectorManip, tcl3dVectorManipChannel
     + tcl3dVector member functions for content independent manipulation:
         setvec, addvec, mulvec
   - tcl3dOde now uses ODE version 0.7 and is available for Windows, 
     Mac OS X and Irix. Wrapper still in alpha version and not complete.
   - tcl3dGl2ps now uses GL2PS version 1.3.2.
   - tcl3dCg now uses Cg version 1.5.0015.
     The 1.4 versions of Cg did not work with OS X on Intel platforms.

Version 0.3.1, released 2006/06/19
Starpack support for Tcl3D

   - Starpack version of Tcl3D, including demos and external libraries.
     First shown at TclEurope 2006.
   - New optional module tcl3dGl2ps, wrapping the OpenGL To Postscript
     (Thanks to Ian Gay for idea and first implementation)
   - New optional module tcl3dOde, wrapping the Open Dynamics Engine.
     Very alpha preview, Windows only !!!
   - More NeHe tutorials added: Lessons 19-21.

Version 0.3, released 2006/02/12
MacOS X and enhanced font support

   - Support for Mac OS X added.
     (Thanks to Daniel A. Steffen for supplying patches and binaries)
   - New optional module tcl3dFTGL, wrapping the OpenGL font rendering
     library FTGL, based on freetype fonts.
   - Corrected and enhanced font handling under Windows in the tcl3dTogl
     No more private Tcl header files needed.
   - Added new font related demo programs:
     tcl3dFont.tcl, tcl3dToglFonts.tcl, ftglTest.tcl, ftglDemo.tcl.
   - Added new SDL demo related to CD-ROM handling: cdplayer.tcl
   - Added some of NeHe's OpenGL tutorials.
   - If an optional library is not installed, no error message is created.
     New procedures to check existence of optional modules:
     tcl3dHaveCg, tcl3dHaveSDL, tcl3dHaveFTGL.
   - Get information on Tcl3D subpackages with tcl3dGetPackageInfo
     and tcl3dShowPackageInfo.
   - Information program tcl3dInfo.tcl enhanced to support commands
     and enums of SDL and FTGL modules.
   - Added new functionality to tcl3dUtil: Simple, scrollable Tk widgets
     for demo programs, trackball emulation (used in FTGLdemo.tcl).
   - Added new functionality to tcl3dUtil:
     tcl3dVectorFromByteArray, tcl3dVectorToByteArray.
     Convert Tcl binary strings to tcl3dVectors and vice versa
     (see demo bytearray.tcl).
   - Bug fix in OglExt wrapping: Parameters of type "float *"
     and "double *" were wrapped incorrectly.

Version 0.2, released 2006/01/07
Major rewrite of TclOgl

   - Major rewrite and inclusion of several new 3D libraries:
       + OpenGL 2.0 and extensions
       + NVidia's Cg library
       + SDL, the Simple Direct Media Library
       + 4 gauge widgets (Thanks to Victor G. Bonilla for supplying this
       + Utility library
   - Renamed from TclOgl to Tcl3D
   - Created domain tcl3d.org

Version 0.1, released 2005/05/29
Initial version

   - First version (called TclOgl) introduced at the Tcl Europe 2005
   - Supported features include basic OpenGL wrapping.

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