SEP: linpro replacement

ycollet at ycollet at
Wed Sep 24 09:44:59 CEST 2008

Hello again,

Here is a new SEP related to add a new linear programming tool under Scilab.
This new tool is based on CLP (which is a C++ library downloadable at
This linear programming library can do mixed integer programming,  
supports sparse matrixes and was before 2004 a commercial product from  
IBM (OSL). This library was competing (and is still competing) with  
An interface has been designed between CLP and Scilab. I am currently  
converting it for scilab-5.0 and for windows (it has been tested under  
linux / scilab-4.1.2).
Has soon as a new version will be available, I will post this new  
package on the contrib.

Your sincerely,


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