[Scilab-Dev] Object orientation in Scilab 6

Pascal sur.pignard at wanadoo.fr
Sat Aug 1 08:49:16 CEST 2009

Hello Simon.
I'm very new to Scilab, I was quite surprise to discover Fortran  
source codes.
I believed that from the Ada had replaced Fortran even for  
mathematical computing for long time ago.
Moreover Ada has now pretty object oriented features with 2005 standard.
Why not using Ada source codes?

Sorry if this post is off-topic, was just a question ;-)

Regards, Pascal.

Le 31 juil. 09 à 15:37, Simon Lipp a écrit :

> Hi,
> For those ignoring it, I’m in charge of introducing an object
> orientation to Scilab for the version 6.0. This is a first public
> proposal, for discussion.
> There’s nothing really fancy, since we agreed on the very big picture
> (dynamic langage with introspection, for the big picture). There’s
> however some points I would like to drag your attention onto :
>  * Are the unusual visibility rules okay, or too unusal ?
>  * "class" is a keyword used for declarating a class, but is also a
> property of instances, and an attribute of slots. Seems reasonble for
> you, or not ?
>  * Visibility of the %remove_* and %install_* methods (public, in this
> proposal)
>  * Should we propose an acces to the current level in methods and
> accessors, like we propose an access to parente level (with the  
> special
> variable super) ? I didn’t made so because similar langages in this
> regard (Objective-C) doesn’t do it, an it doesn’t seems te be a real
> issue to its users.
>  * Should we propose an acces to the sender in methods ? And to sender
> level ? It would allow to emulate visibility in magic methods
> (%get_slot and %set_slot). It seems not very useful to me (and really,
> KISS ;)), but it can be discussed.
>  * Should we propose a way to dynamically bind a function to an  
> object,
> that is, making it a method but not a slot ? It would be like this:
>    function m = a_method_which_transforms_a_function_into_method(f)
> 	m = this.%bind(f)
>    endfunction
>    ...
>    meth = obj.a_method_which_transforms_a_function_into_method(MyFunc)
>    meth()
>    // meth will be treated as a obj method ; it will has access to obj
> with this, and to private and proteced members.
>    Same here: seems not very useful, KISS, but let’s discuss.
>  * If a matrix of objects contains several objects, what is allowed,
>    what is forbidden ? In this SEP, only extracting elements is
>    allowed, and methods and properties can be manipulated only with
>    single objects. Good idea at your opinion, or not ?
> For whose having read the proposal on the private wiki, this SEP is
> intended to be the same, but simpler. I hope. At least, I tried to  
> make
> it so…
> That’s all ;)<objet-SEP.odt>

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