[Scilab-Dev] Porting Scilab 5.1.1 on Mac OS X 10.4 PPC.

sylvestre.ledru at scilab.org sylvestre.ledru at scilab.org
Tue Aug 4 13:49:06 CEST 2009

On Sat, 1 Aug 2009 08:45:59 +0200, Pascal <sur.pignard at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> Hello Sylvestre.
> Many thanks for your answer.
> I've tried first proposal. I've added "-Xlinker -m" to many makefiles.
> I had to add it on several makefiles because LDFLAGS is redefined  
> inside makefiles without taken in account possible previous definition:
> LDFLAGS =   -L/sw/lib/
> instead of:
> LDFLAGS =   -L/sw/lib/  $(LDFLAGS)
> (maybe same way for other xxFLAGS)
> I can send appart the whole multiply defined symbols.
You should try to add them into the configure.ac and relaunch autoconf.

> All or almost has been build following:
> $ ./configure --prefix=/Users/pascal/Documents/Programmation/ 
> scilab-5.1.1-alpha-1/build --without-ocaml --without-fftw --without- 
> pvm --without-umfpack --without-matio
> $ make
> ...
> $ make install
> ...
> $ export SCI=`pwd`
> $ ./build/bin/scilab
> Then, I've got a exec error:
> ./build/bin/scilab: line 592: 12872 Bus error                
> "$SCILABBIN" "$@"
> Thread: 2
It seems that it is the Java / TckTk sync issue. Adding --without-tk in the
configure should fix your problem.


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