Howto use default installed maths lib under windows + ACML

Vincent vincent.lejeune at
Wed Aug 12 16:53:51 CEST 2009


I use some routine from Lapack and Blas for my project ; however, these 
routine have several "version", the raw ones from netlib, the one from ATLAS, 
the one from the Intel MKL.

Until now, I have mostly worked under Linux, so I only had to link my project 
against libatlas with a single command flag. However, the window version of 
scilab is shipped with netlib lapack, and the MKL can be installed later.
I'd like my project to call functions in the library installed in the user 
system, without knowing if it is MKL or netlib version. In addition, I don't 
know if I have the right to link against MKL, as it is a proprietary library 
and I don't have the licence...But I think I have the right to link against a 
"agnostic" library that can wrapp call to MKL function.
Is there any way to do so ?

On a different topic, I've found that AMD provide their own version of MKL, 
it's called ACML. Contrary to MKL, it's free and redistribuable,as long as 
their "redistribution agreement" is signed. Is there any plan  to use ACML as 
a "backend" for matrix computation under SciLab ? I don't know how well it 
does perform against MKL or ATLAS, but it can be easier to use than ATLAS(ie 
no config/compile/tune step).


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