[Scilab-Dev] Re: SEP#12: Scipad - Add support for encodings

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at free.fr
Sun Jan 11 11:55:55 CET 2009

François Vogel said on 02/01/2009 12:56:
> Anything else to add to the discussion about this encoding feature, or 
> can I consider there is now consensus for acceptance?

We're now 8 days after my prompt for last word above and I have 
received no further comment nor red flag.

SEP#12 is therefore fully accepted in its current state.

I have made a small change which is actually a bug fix: encoding 
system must not be changed, otherwise various problems happen with 
some encodings (for instance the $env array gets mangled in Tcl). The 
updated SEP is V2.1 (attached).

I have now committed the implementation corresponding to SEP#12_V2.1 
in the master branch.

The feature is included in Scipad 7.14.

Enjoy and don't hesitate to report bugs to the bugzilla.

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