Line numbers now physical in setbpt ?

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at
Sun Jan 18 22:18:01 CET 2009

Hi all,

I have seen no reply to my message below, could Serge please tell me 
what's the situation on this subject?


François Vogel said on 11/01/2009 17:50:
> Hi,
> I'm slowly realizing that apparently in Scilab 5 all line numbers are 
> now physical line numbers while they were logical line numbers up to 
> Scilab 4.1.2.
> I think it's now clear from bug 3407 that line numbers reported in error 
> messages and in lasterror() are now physical (were logical in Scilab 4.x).
> What I'm now realizing is that also what is managed by setbpt/delbpt 
> must now be physical and no more logical.
> Could Serge please confirm this statement?
> Example (run it in Scilab 4.1.2 and in Scilab recent master to compare):
> function pllines
>   disp("line 2  2");  // logical   physical
>   disp("line 3  3")
>   disp("line 4  4")
>   disp("line 5  5")
>   disp..
>     ("line 6  7")
>   disp("line 7  8")
>   disp("line 8  9")
>   disp("line 9  10")
> endfunction
> setbpt("pllines",6)
> pllines
> Scilab 4.1.2 ends with:
>  line 6  7
> Stop after row     6 in function pllines :
> -1->
> I.e. Scilab 4.1.2 executed the full continued logical line 6 before 
> stopping.
> Compare with the output in Scilab 5:
>  line 5  5
> Stop after row     6 in function pllines.
> Type 'resume' or 'abort' to return to standard level prompt.
> -1->
> Here we can see that it does NOT executed logical line 6 completely, 
> thus stopping in the middle of it. However, it nevertheless states that 
> it stopped after execution of line 6.
> Further observation: add setbpt("pllines",10) and you'll see it stops in 
> Scilab 5, meaning line 10 is still in function pllines. In Scilab 4.1.2 
> it doesn't stop because line 10 is after the end of the function pllines 
> definition.
> Thanks for clarifying this. If setbpt/delbpt are now really supposed to 
> deal with physical line numbers, then I'll have to make changes in the 
> Scipad debugger for Scilab 5.
> Francois

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