[Scilab-Dev] PATCH for set/get environment variables

Yung-Jang Lee yjlee123 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:20:27 CET 2009

> I pushed all the modification in the master & branch 5.1.
> However, it seems to fail under Windows:
> http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40  3

Under Windows, if you system code page  is not  "CP1251"  the russian
characters  'ЁЂЄЉф' wouldn't be accepted as environment variable and
that is reasonable.

specialName='中文' ;     //  for CP950, BIG5,zh_TW, zh_TW.utf-8, zh_CN,zh_CN.utf-8
if getenv('env') <> specialName then pause, end

specialName='ЁЂЄЉф';  // russian LANG=ru_RU, ru_RU.utf-8
if getenv('env') <> specialName then pause, end

specialName='グゲゾタ'; // Japaness LANG=ja_JP ,
if getenv('env') <> specialName then pause, end

specialName='메일링을';  //  korean LANG=ko_KR, ko_KR=utf-8
if getenv('env') <> specialName then pause, end

specialName='æøå';    // LANG=fr_FR,C,en_US, and fr_FR.utf
if getenv('env') <> specialName then pause, end


It means we can only test  part of 'setgetenv.tst' for each languages
(chinese,russian,japaness,korean,french)  under Windows.

So, if you are testing 'setgetenv.tst' not in  "CP1251" code page
under Windows, then message of the report


shouldn't be considered as a bug.

Yung-Jang Lee

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