Doc generation

Calixte Denizet calixte.denizet at
Sat Jul 11 22:05:29 CEST 2009


Two questions :

i) Why cannot I choose the name of the generated jar file by
tbx_build_help ? 
I'd prefer foo.jar rather than scilab_en_US_help.jar. It could be useful
to choose the name to put several jar files.
I solved the problem in extraying the jar, change the directory name to
foo and in archiving foo in foo.jar. This solution is not satisfactory
because it supposes that the final user has jar tools.

ii) In extraying scilab_en_US_help.jar, I noticed that the file
scilab_en_US_help.jar is present in the archive and seems to be
unnecessary. Is there a particular reason to do that ?


Calixte Denizet

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