Google Summer of Code : Symbolic toolbox for scilab

Cyril Limam cyril.limam at
Mon Mar 30 19:53:08 CEST 2009


I am a French third-year student at the UTC (Technical university of
Compiegne in France) which is a five year French engineering school. I am
studying in the computer department.
I would like participate to the Google Summer of Code this year and I am
strongly interested by the following subject : "A Symbolic toolbox for
I have an important passion for Mathematics. This semester I am studying
Fomal Mathematics and I am very interested by this approach of mathematics.
I am curently using MuPaD (which is a Matlab toolbox now) and I found this
program very powerful.
If I have well understood the description of the project (on that page :, the project has already
started. The symbolic toolbox of scilab should be a "link" beetwin the
interface of scilab and Maxima. Is the project only the realisation of the
link or it is the development of the typical functions of formal calcul ? I
am strongly motivated to start (or to continue), an independent symbolic
toolbox for scilab.

Thank you for your consideration.

Cyril Limam

Student  at the UTC en GI02
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