Issue with stack in a toolbox

Vincent Lejeune vincent.lejeune at
Fri May 15 23:17:12 CEST 2009


I am facing another problem in my journey inside the writing of a toolbox.
I need to create a custom type that need to be manipuled with SciLab command 
line. In fact this is a pointer (to a matrix of double stored in gpu 
memory), so I used the CreateVarFromPtr() function to store it in the stack.

But when I'm trying to retrieve it afterward, SciLab is complaining about a 
stack overflow, and ask me to change its size. However, this is just a lone 
pointer, it shouldnt eat all the stack by itself...

The code is in attachment. Further investigations shows that the line :


is making trouble, but I suspect that the source of the problem is lying in 
a misuse of the retrieve of the value, as my custom "fromGPU" function 
doesnt work as planed (in debug mode).

By the way, how can I print something to the SciLab prompt ?

Thx for help ! 
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