[Scilab-Dev] quetion

sploving sploving1 at 163.com
Fri May 29 05:30:01 CEST 2009


Thank you first. The example helped me a lot. I still have some

1.As there exists "istk" and "MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE", why do we
wrap the integer such as "int ivar" using "stk" and
"MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE"? (In fact, I tried to wrap "int ivar" using
istk and "MATRIX_OF_INTEGER_DATATYPE",but failed)

2.Besides "stk,istk,cstk", there is  also a "sstk" which is used for
"float" , but I could not find a type such as "MATRIX_OF_FLOAT_DATATYPE"
defined in the "stackTypeVariable.h".So I do not know how to use it.

3.In the "stack-c.h", there are a lot useful API. I only understand a
few of them util now, such as "GetType,GetRhsVar,CreateVar,LhsVar,Rhs",
May I need know all of the rest of them if I want to support the scilab
language in swig? If so, are there any docs or examples that could help
me understand them?

4.I want to write a test-suit file that could test the wrapper file.But
I could not find a similiar file in the docs? Could you give me a simple
file like that?  As in octave, it may like this:(rumme.m)

example.cvar.ivar   =  42;
example.cvar.svar   = -31000;
printf("ivar      = %i\n", example.cvar.ivar);
printf("svar      = %i\n", example.cvar.svar);

Thank you for any reply.


在 2009-05-26二的 09:14 +0200,Allan CORNET写道:
> Hi,
> A example with string and double variables 
> if haveacompiler() then
> chdir(TMPDIR);
> src = ['#include <stdio.h>'
> '#include ""stack-c.h""'
> '#include ""sciprint.h""'
> '#include ""Scierror.h""'
> ''
> 'static char *cvar = NULL;'
> 'static int ivar = 0;'
> 'int sci_cvar_set (char *fname)'
> '{'
> '  char *arg = NULL;'
> '  int m1 = 0 ;'
> '  int n1 = 0 ;'
> '  int l1 = 0 ;'
> '  if (GetType(1) == sci_strings)'
> '  {'
> '     GetRhsVar(1,STRING_DATATYPE ,&m1,&n1,&l1);'
> '     cvar = strdup(cstk(l1));'
> '  }'
> '  else if (GetType(1) == sci_matrix)'
> '  {'
> '    GetRhsVar(1,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE ,&m1,&n1,&l1);'
> '    ivar = (int)*stk(l1);'
> '  }'
> '  else'
> '  {'
> '    Scierror(999,""error ...\n"");'
> '  }'
> ''
> '  return 0;'
> '}  '
> ''
> 'int sci_cvar_get (char *fname)'
> '{'
> ''
> '  if (GetType(1) == sci_strings)'
> '  {'
> '     int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, l1 = 0;'
> '     int m = 1, n = 0, l = 0;'
> ''     
> '     GetRhsVar(1,STRING_DATATYPE ,&m1,&n1,&l1);'
> '     if (strcmp(cstk(l1),""string"") == 0)'
> '     {'
> '        m = 1;'
> ''
> '        if (cvar) n = (int)strlen(cvar);'
> '        else n = (int)strlen("""");'
> ''
> '        CreateVar(Rhs+1,STRING_DATATYPE ,&m,&n,&l);   '
> '        if (cvar) strcpy(cstk(l),cvar);'
> '        else strcpy(cstk(l),"""");'
> '     }'
> '     else'
> '     if (strcmp(cstk(l1),""number"") == 0)'
> '     {'
> '        m = 1;'
> '        n = 1;'
> '        CreateVar(Rhs+1,MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE ,&m,&n,&l); '  
> '        *stk(l) = (double)ivar;'
> '     }'
> '     else'
> '     {'
> '        Scierror(999,""error ...\n"");'
> '        return 0;'
> '     }'
> '     LhsVar(1) = Rhs+1;'
> '  }'
> '  else'
> '  {'
> '    Scierror(999,""error ...\n"");'
> '  }'
> '  return 0;' 
> '}'
> ];
> mputl(src,'example_cvar.c');
> files=['example_cvar.c'];
> ilib_build('addinter',['cvar_get','sci_cvar_get';'cvar_set','sci_cvar_set'],
> files,[]);
> exec loader.sce;
> cvar_set(33)
> cvar_set('my string')
> cvar_get('string')
> cvar_get('number')
> end
> Allan
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : sploving [mailto:sploving1 at 163.com] 
> Envoyé : mardi 26 mai 2009 06:41
> À : dev at lists.scilab.org
> Objet : [Scilab-Dev] quetion
> hi all,
> I want to wrap a C variable for scialb. and my wrapper is as follows:
> extern char cvar;
> int _wrap_cvar_set (char *fname){
>   char arg1 ;
>   int m1 ;
>   int n1 ;
>   int l1 ;
>   {
>     GetRhsVar(1,STRING_DATATYPEE ,&m1,&n1,&l1);
>     arg1=(char)(*stk(l1));
>   }
>   cvar = arg1;
>   return 0;
> }
> int _wrap_cvar_get (char *fname){
>   char result;
>   int m ;
>   int n ;
>   int l ;
>   result = (char)cvar;
>   {
>     m=1,n=1;
>     CreateVar(Rhs+1,STRING_DATATYPE ,&m,&n,&l);   
>     *stk(l)=result;
>     LhsVar(1)=Rhs+1;
>   }
>   return 0;
> }
> It could not work. Then I use the "MATRIX_OF_STRING_DATATYPE" , it does
> not work either. At last I use the "MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE", it
> works. But it could not set a char to cvar, as follows:
> -->cvar_set(3)
> -->cvar_get()
>  ans  =
>     3.  
> -->cvar_set("b")
>               !--error 246 
> What is the matter? Thanks for any reply.
> Baozeng

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