[Scilab-Dev] Re : Re: [Scilab-Dev] GSoC 2010

shankhs ch shankhsps at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 07:11:15 CET 2010

@Calixte.Denizet at ac-rennes.fr
> Ca pose pas de pb si je m'attribue un bug (6630) et que je le corrige evidemment ? Marrant le 6643 ca me rappelle qque chose...
Sorry , I don't know the language.
@Sylvestre Ledru
>It would be nice if you could to a global TODO list for potential
>students ;)
Can you please explain what exactly will be a TODO list.
@Matt Arsenault
Thank you for your interest and please do tell me what can I do, I am
very interested in the problem.

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