[Scilab-Dev] Incomplete Gamma function

Michaël Baudin michael.baudin at scilab.org
Fri Jul 30 15:23:06 CEST 2010


Thanks Calixte for this suggestion.
I created the bug report :


with a proposal for an implementation of the gammainc function.
The gammainc implementation from Stixbox is therefore to be
updated :


There are numerical issues to be taken into account with
this function, and this is why the optional "tail" argument is important.

Best regards,

Michaël Baudin

calixte a écrit :
> Le jeudi 29 juillet 2010 à 18:58 +0200, calixte a écrit :
>> Hello Mathieu,
>> gammainc(x,y) is equivalent to 1-cdfpoi("PQ",y-1,x) or gammainc(x,y)=Q
>> where Q is obtained with [P,Q]=cdfpoi("PQ",y-1,x).
>> Since cdfpoi is a built-in function, the performances are better :
> Or better gammainc(x,y) is equivalent to cdfgam("PQ",x,y,1)...
> 'help cdfgam' should help you.
> Calixte
>> -->tic();for i=1:1000;gammainc(3.1,4.2);end;toc()
>>  ans  =
>>     1.144  
>> -->tic();for i=1:1000;1-cdfpoi("PQ",3.2,3.1);end;toc()
>>  ans  =
>>     0.017
>> Best regards,
>> Calixte
>> Le jeudi 29 juillet 2010 à 01:37 +0200, OLIVIER Mathieu a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I needed the Incomplete Gamma function, as it was not available in 
>>> Scilab, I've developed my own one, based onto the NUMERICAL RECIPES.
>>> This functions works and gives sames results than the one from MATLAB 
>>> (with my own tests).
>>> So I would like to submit this function, perhaps this one could be added 
>>> in a future version of Scilab or help to made a "Scilab version".
>>> Regards
>>> Mathieu OLIVIER

Michaël Baudin
Ingénieur de développement
michael.baudin at scilab.org
Consortium Scilab - Digiteo
Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt
B.P. 105 - 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
Tel. : 01 39 63 56 87 - Fax : 01 39 63 55 94

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