Switching linear algebra library on Scilab 5.2.2 binaries

Vergnes Nicolas (STERIA) nicolas.vergnes at cnes.fr
Thu Jun 10 17:26:26 CEST 2010


actually I still can't use scilab 5.x on our linux 64b cluster (I think
because of graphic problem) and the scilab binaries dont offer good
performances with libatlas.so supplied with scilab 5.x binaries.

I have replaced libatlas.so.3gf.0, libblas.so.3gf.0, libf77blas.so.3gf.0
and liblapack.so.3gf.0 files by an sym-link of the libacml_mp.so .
Multithreading is used and we have quasi same performances than Matlab
in matrix computation.

Say me if i'm wrong, but it is correct to say that atlas, gotoblas,
acml, and mkl have the same routines names or so for the main routines ?

With acml remplacing atlas, matrix multiplications are ok. Do you have
any advice or examples files for testing it and see if all routines used
by scilab are ok ?

Do you think it's really safe to use scilab configured like that ?


Nicolas Vergnes Produits & Logiciels Cnes

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