modification to scinotes

Paul Griffiths pgriffiths at
Tue Jun 29 20:20:55 CEST 2010


I would like to submit the attached patch to scinotes.  The patch adds
a minor feature to remember the open files when the user exits the
editor and to reopen the files automatically when the editor is
restarted. the user may enable or disable the feature by setting a
checked menu item in the file menu just above "exit".  The state of
the feature and the list of open files are maintained through the
ConfigSciNotesManager class (in much the same way as the recent files
list).   For users that work with a numerous scripts and functions,
this small feature eliminates the tedious task of finding and
re-opening each file on restart.

The patchfile was created by 'git format-patch' and is against the
most current source.

Kind regards,


Paul Griffiths, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
LCSR | Haptics Lab
128 CSEB, 3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218 | 734.730.8749
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