Bye bye Digiteo, Hello Scilab Enterprises

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at
Wed Dec 14 19:02:08 CET 2011


Tomorrow, after more than 3 years, I will leave Digiteo. I think it is the
right time to explain why some Scilab people switched from

A short story for people who are not familiar about the life of Scilab.
For more than 20 years, Scilab has been developed as a research project
in INRIA. The project becoming more and more popular, the Scilab
Consortium has been created in 2003.
However, as the main goal of INRIA being research and not acting as a
software editor, the Consortium has been kindly hosted by Digiteo for a
limited period of time in order to improve the software and its
ecosystem and prepare the future within a dedicated and independent
With the support of INRIA, our time in Digiteo has been used to improve
our network of users and partners.

To carry on this adventure, we have created Scilab Enterprises (AKA
S/E) last year. S/E is a classical corporation with the well-known open
source business model while developing Scilab software and its
extensions. Scilab will remain free (both as speech or beer).

For example, we are already doing some specific developments over (or
on) Scilab for big international customers (more information will come
on the S/E website), did training, providing support, etc.
All this also participate to still provide to the community with a free
and open source software. Many information are available on the

Anyway, more new and shinny features will come out S/E, I will give you
more information in the next few months.


Sylvestre Ledru
Projects manager
Community manager
Scilab Enterprises

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