SEP 064: HDF5 Scilab specification

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre.ledru at
Mon May 23 17:47:23 CEST 2011


Since Scilab 5.2.0, we introduced a HDF5 storage for Scilab variables.
It is already widely used in the Xcos internal. 
HDF5 is now a de-facto standard for the storage of numerical data [1].
In Scilab 5.4.0, we are going to update the load/save functions to use
this format (it is going to be the SEP 065). This for two main reasons:
* for the future version 6.0 of Scilab (which won't manage current .bin
* allows the management of Scilab data (import/export) files by other

The attached document shows the current specification and implementation
of the Scilab / HDF5 schema.


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