[Scilab-Dev] General installation problems

Blake Hannaford blake at ee.washington.edu
Fri Nov 30 22:17:52 CET 2012

I use Scilab in my teaching of Electrical Engineering.  I've had great
results with 50-80 students per year for the last three years who install
Scilab on their PC and Mac laptops.   This year, the results are different.
 Many students are having installation problems for 5.4.4 - especially on
newer Macs.    I've advised them all to stick with 5.3.3, but there are
still fatal bugs on certain graphics chips.

I assume these problems are from underlying Java issues that are out of
Scilab's control, but unless they are resolved clearly and soon, I will no
longer be able to use it for class.   These are students who are used to
Matlab and already have low-cost licenses they used in earlier classes so
this gives the open-source software model a black eye.

Blake Hannaford

Blake Hannaford                         Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Voice:   1 206 543 2197                     University of Washington
Fax:       1 206 221 5264                    Seattle, WA 98195-2500
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