[Scilab-Dev] role="code_scilab"

Станислав krotersv at gmail.com
Sun Mar 31 17:03:31 CEST 2013

31.03.2013 20:27, Calixte Denizet пишет:
> Hi Stanislav,
> i) you're right: we need to document this attribute.
> ii) this attribute is used to know how to colorize the code given in 
> programlisting.
> FYI, you could use the values: xml, c, cpp, java, exec, 
> no-scilab-exec. When no role or an unknow role (like code_scilab) is 
> given, the code is colorized as Scilab code. The value exec is used to 
> add an exec button (play button) and no-scilab-exec is used to remove it.
> The conversion is made in the Java class HTMLDocbookTagConverter.java 
> (modules helptools) where you can find how the docbook tag are 
> converted into HTML and how we handle the attributes.
> Best regards
> Calixte
What attribute should be written for next cases?

<para>In C The calling sequence must be:</para>
<programlisting role="no-scilab-exec"><![CDATA[
void res(double *t, double y[], double yd[], double r[],
          int *ires, double rpar[], int ipar[])
<para>In Fortran it must be:</para>
<programlisting role="no-scilab-exec"><![CDATA[
subroutine res(t,y,yd,r,ires,rpar,ipar)
double precision t, y(*),yd(*),r(*),rpar(*)
integer ires,ipar(*)


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