[Scilab-Dev] Module not updating

Serge Steer Serge.Steer at inria.fr
Tue Oct 28 13:49:47 CET 2014

If your module uses Scilab functions (written in Scilab language) 
defined in Scilab libraries
if you change the libray after a function has been used, the function is 
not updated.
So you need to clear all functions using the following instruction
execstr("clear "+string(trabalho1lib))

Serge Steer
Le 26/10/2014 05:09, Vicente Helano a écrit :
> Dears,
> I have created a simple Scilab module called "trabalho1lib" following
> the instructions in:
> http://wiki.scilab.org/howto/Create%20a%20toolbox#How_to_create_an_external_module_.28toolbox.29
> and
> http://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/~blanchet/FCFD/Scilab/docs/sciextensions-v0.2.pdf
> but I am experiencing a weird problem. When I modify any file
> belonging to the module, I execute the following commands:
> ulink(); clear trabalho1lib;
> exec('/home/vicentehelano/Desktop/trabalho1/builder.sce', -1)
> exec('/home/vicentehelano/Desktop/trabalho1/loader.sce', -1)
> as suggested in the "sciextensions-v0.2.pdf", but the "old" code is
> executed instead of the new one, even after executing the
> "cleaner.sce" script. Sometimes I have to restart the entire Scilab to
> get the module updated.
> Has anyone experienced this problem before?
> Am I doing anything wrong?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Vicente Helano.
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