[Scilab-Dev] Generating a library from sci files containing many functions

Pierre Vuillemin contact at pierre-vuillemin.fr
Tue Nov 3 10:24:25 CET 2015

Hi all,

I am creating a set of tools aimed at simplifying the writing (and 
resolution to some extend) process of optimisation problems (see 

At the moment, it is mainly a set of Scilab macros that I load using 
getd. Yet, I've started to package it like a "standard" Scilab module. 
Following the tutorial here : 
http://wiki.scilab.org/howto/Create%20a%20toolbox I've created the 
builders, etc.

My problem is that I've gathered my functions in some .sci files and 
that genlib does not 'see' all the functions available in them.

I wonder if there is a way to build a library that extracts all the 
functions from a .sci file or if I must separate all the functions in 
different files.
I would like to avoid the latter solution as my functions are gathered 
in a way that make sense for the development.

The only workaround I've found so far is to create an empty function in 
each sci file which has the same name as the file and call these empty 
functions during loading. Yet this is neither very elegant nor 

Best regards,

Pierre Vuillemin

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