[Scilab-Dev] slint() : remarks and suggestions

antoine.monmayrant+scilab at laas.fr antoine.monmayrant+scilab at laas.fr
Mon Apr 25 08:55:18 CEST 2016

Le 04/19/2016 01:09 PM, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Hello devs,
> The so-called /slint /module is a new experimental tool proposed and 
> somewhat documented in Scilab master: 
> http://www.scilab.org/fr/development/nightly_builds/master
> Scilab 6.0-b1 did not yet include it. slint is a Scilab code checker.
> The Scilab community has not been involved to design it, i mean beyond 
> the CNES (as likely the customer havingordered for it). S/E is 
> planning to include slint into Scilab.
> Due to this possible inclusion in Scilab, that would make slint() 
> distributed to all users, i would like to make some remarks and 
> suggestions about this module, as i would like a lot reading other 
> comments from other users and developers about this module.
> Below i will focus on some aspects about slint() "interfaces" 
> (prototypes, data formats), since interfaces turn rather locked after 
> the first publication (wherever it is published, in Scilab or on 
> ATOMS). I have not made deep tests about the current parser / slint 
> engine, and beyond some unit tests about a subset of split code 
> checks, i did not see any code sample gathering all features presently 
> checked by slint().
>  1. *In Scilab, or a complementary module* ?
>     slint is not specific to any type or area of applications, since
>     it is dedicated to Scilab code "qualification", whatever is the
>     purpose of the code.
>     However, it is a rather specific development tool, clearly
>     oriented to developers working on "high standards". It is more
>     about computing sciences than for engineering and prototyping.
>     In its "/Scilab development/" category, ATOMS already proposes
>     other development-specific modules -- that are tagged
>     /Complementary/, such as /Scibench/, or /assert/. /assert/ in now
>     included in Scilab, since it is used by almost all non-regression
>     tests that are as well included (whether they aren't unchecked in
>     Scilab's installer). /slint/ is somewhat another module for
>     benchmarking, but applied to the code style and syntax, instead of
>     to the code speed. IMO, it would not be shocking to put it only on
>     ATOMS as a complementary module, and/or to leave the user decide
>     through Scilab's installer if he/she wants to install it by default.
>  2. *slint's name: slint?*
>     I am not convinced by this module name and (unique) function name.
>     It does not clearly tell what it does. Should we guess that "s"
>     stand for /S/cilab (if so, is it worthwhile to remind it?), and
>     lint for code-washing residues?
>     Here are some suggestions: codeCheck(), codeDiagn(),
>     codeQualify(), codeValidate(), codeWash()... codeCheck() or
>     codecheck() would look the most appropriate to me. By the way,
>     slint's pages talk about /checking/ rules.

That's maybe the only point where I feel competent enough to make a remark.
The name is not really self-explanatory.
I first though it was related to some exotic version of Integer 
"SpecialLengthINTeger", "SuperLightINTeger".
"codecheck" or "checkrules" or even "checkcoderules" would be way more 

> 1.
>  2. *Syntaxes*
>     The current slint() help page shows the following:
>           Calling Sequence
>     slint(files [, conf, out]) slint(files [, out]) out = slint(files
>     [, conf], print)
>           Arguments
>     files
>         a matrix of strings, the .sci files or the directories to
>         analyze. 
>     conf
>         a scalar string, the name of the configuration file (by
>         default it's SCI/modules/slint/etc/slint.xml). 
>     out
>         a scalar string, the name of the output file. 
>     print
>         a scalar boolean, if true the result is printed else the
>         result is a struct. 
>     out
>         a struct (if print is false). 
>           Description
>     slint has been written to check the "quality" of the Scilab's code
>     according to configurable rules.
>           Examples
>     slint("SCI/modules/elementary_functions/macros/atanm.sci");
>     *Remarks*:
>       * slint() application to .sce scripts is not documented. Is this
>         usage possible? Is it already runnable?
>       * slint() application to compiled Scilab functions is not
>         possible or documented. Yet, as for profiling tools, this kind
>         of input would be handy.
>       * print = %f should rather be the default. %T is currently the
>         default. For boolean variables, for my own i try to use or
>         document variables names with a final "?" => "print?", to
>         remind that they are boolean. BTW, it is here "disp?" rather
>         than "print?". Just a matter of documentation.
>       * The /out/ structure of results
>           o can be as well an input parameter. This usage is quite
>             unexpected and is not explained.
>           o Fields and organization of the structure is not
>             documented. But running the example provides some insight
>             to it:
>             -->
>             slint("SCI/modules/elementary_functions/macros/atanm.sci");
>             In SCI\modules\elementary_functions\macros\atanm.sci:
>               At l. 0, c. 0: 00015: Maximum line length exceeded at
>             lines: 24, 28, 35.
>               At l. 24, c. 15: 00029: A function argument must be
>             preceded by a single space.
>               At l. 24, c. 15: 00029: A function argument must be
>             preceded by a single space.
>               At l. 27, c. 8: 00028: Operator <> should be surrounded
>             by single spaces.
>               At l. 28, c. 15: 00029: A function argument must be
>             preceded by a single space.
>               At l. 28, c. 15: 00029: A function argument must be
>             preceded by a single space.
>               At l. 31, c. 8: 00028: Operator == should be surrounded
>             by single spaces.
>             ...
>               At l. 45, c. 7: 00028: Operator / should be surrounded
>             by single spaces.
>               At l. 45, c. 7: 00028: Operator * should be surrounded
>             by single spaces.
>               At l. 45, c. 7: 00033: Expression is not bracketed.
>               At l. 47, c. 12: 00028: Operator == should be surrounded
>             by single spaces.
>               At l. 47, c. 29: 00028: Operator = should be surrounded
>             by single spaces.
>             Module developed with the contribution of CNES.
>             And by grabbing the output in a variable and canceling the
>             printing-in-console:
>             --> results =
>             slint("SCI/modules/elementary_functions/macros/atanm.sci", %f)
>              results  =
>               file: [1x1 string]
>               info: [1x1 struct]
>             --> results.file
>              ans  =
>              SCI\modules\elementary_functions\macros\atanm.sci
>             --> results.info
>              ans  =
>               00029: [8x1 struct]
>               00015: [1x1 struct]
>               00028: [17x1 struct]
>               00009: [1x1 struct]
>               00033: [3x1 struct]
>             --> results.info("00033").loc
>              ans  =
>                    ans(1)
>                39.   22.
>                39.   34.
>                    ans(2)
>                39.   22.
>                39.   26.
>                    ans(3)
>                45.   7.
>                45.   28.
>             --> results.info("00033").msg
>              ans  =
>                    ans(1)
>              Expression is not bracketed.
>                    ans(2)
>              Expression is not bracketed.
>                    ans(3)
>              Expression is not bracketed.
>             *Comments and suggestions*:
>              1. imo, this structure for the results looks uselessly
>                 complicated, and finally inefficient. It makes
>                 choosing how to filter and view results very difficult:
>                   + the "info" field could be renamed "results". Its
>                     contents are for example not "contextual or
>                     configuration infos". To be clearer, they are results.
>                   + this .results field could rather be a simple list,
>                     with as many components as there are analyzed files.
>                   + Each .result(i) component could rather be a matrix
>                     of text. If a file has fully passed checkings, its
>                     results are [].
>                     The matrix would have the following columns:
>                       # line number (ideally with leading 0 to make
>                         lexicographical and numerical orders matching)
>                       # column number (idem)
>                       # checker id
>                       # message
>                       # file basename (with the file extension, but
>                         without the path)
>                       # file id (# rank in the list of files),
>                         converted into text
>                   + *Finally, wondering about all what is written
>                     here-above, i think that removing the splitting
>                     between .fileS and .results (.info) fields would
>                     even be preferable. *
>                     *A single matrix of text would be much simpler and
>                     more efficient*. To do so, for each new file, its
>                     full path shall be recorded in the results matrix,
>                     in the /message/ column, with the code-row=0,
>                     code-colum=0, checker-id=00000, given file
>                     basename and rank#.
>                     It would be much easier to filter and sort
>                     according to any column or multicolumn sorting.
>                     Very easy to record in a .csv file ; etc. Very
>                     easy to reimport, to compare or merge with other
>                     files ; to make statistics with that ; etc. All
>                     things very hard to do with the current structure.
>              2. The present structure is so rigid and unhandy that it
>                 prevents basic filtering operations (like for instance
>                 relisting results (out of console) in the order of
>                 rows of code in the file).
>                 By the way -- but this has no importance, since the
>                 structure should rather be abandoned --,
>                  1. *id of checkers* starting with a digit prevents
>                     using the .dot field addressing. Why not prefixing
>                     them with a letter (say "r" as "rule" or "c" as
>                     "criteria")?
>                  2. *.loc* field is a list. Yet, its components have
>                     all the same types and sizes, in such a way that
>                     they could rather be stored in rows of a matrix.
>                     This would allow filtering operations with find().
>                  3. *.msg* field: same remark: a matrix of text would
>                     be more handy.
>       * *Checking rules look not to be categorized*. Yet, some rules
>         are "only" about the code style, some others about deprecated
>         or removed features, etc.
>         Presently, it is not easy to filter results by type of "lint".
>         We must somewhat look at all lints or at none or at some
>         specific ids. For instance, if i want to use an external
>         module and before i want to assess its runnability, i won't
>         care about its code style (i am not the author, and i don't
>         want to spend time on the code style of an external module),
>         and i would wish to get and fix all deprecated or removed
>         features in a straightforward way. To do so, defining subsets
>         and tagging checkers in them would be handy.
>       * Presently, slint() does not allow
>           o to *provide a **Scilab version against which the Scilab
>             code must be checked*.
>           o to provide a subset of rules (or categories of rules) that
>             must be checked, instead of checking all defined rules.
>  3. *Documentation pages*.
>     The 40 pages about checkers (checking criteria/rules), with for
>     most of them only half-a-line of description, and nothing else,
>     and nothing more expected, made me deeply wondering: which
>     reviewer has accepted that, and who has accepted to merge that?
>     For instance, if we spam in the same way the help tree just by
>     splitting the /axes_properties/ page in 40 distinct pages, with
>     one property per page, do we have a chance on review to be
>     accepted and merged?
>     This way of doing is shocking.
>     By the way, i have searched these 40 pages on GIT/master to
>     propose merging them (in a table, even more suitable than in a
>     variablelist), but i did not find them. Quite strange.
> Hoping to read other comments soon.
> BR
> Samuel Gougeon
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