[Scilab-Dev] A+[]

Serge Steer Serge.Steer at inria.fr
Fri Feb 19 10:08:43 CET 2016

In Scilab 5 the function mtlb_mode allows to change the meaning of a+[] 
according to Scilab or matlab semantics. This function has been removed 
in Scilab6.
It can be a solution redefine it as oldscilab_mode that can be used for 
old codes
Le 18/02/2016 20:41, Eric Dubois a écrit :
> Hello
> I am inclined to share Samuel point of view: this is a compliocation 
> than could be avoided.
> But I cannot resist noting that the annoucement is 6 years older than 
> the announcement of the weapon of mass destruction that consist in 
> changing the behaviour of the addition of a matrix with a null matrix.
> Sorry for insisting, but I will again call for the removal from the 
> final Scilab 6.0 release of this planned change.
> First, I am not convinced at all by the argument put forward that it 
> will make Scilab more consistent with other language such as Matlab, 
> Octave, Julia.. : after all, every language has its indiosycrasies; a 
> Matlab user will yet have to adapt herslef to this change, bu along 
> many other ones; and I,do not think that changing this behavour will 
> convice any Matlab user to switch to Scilab nor prevent anyone 
> thinking about switching to give up because of this beahviour.
> Second The argument that it enhances Scilab internal consistency is a 
> little bit more compelling, but not much: after all, addition and 
> subtraction are different operations from multiplication and division, 
> such one can justify different behaviour. And there are cases when it 
> make tho code more compact.
> Adnd lastly both arguments are anyway swept away by the simple fact 
> that the change should make all previous code unreliable: you cannot 
> be sure in advance that the working of your program has not been 
> affected by the change (and the warning that is designed to alert to 
> the user is not sufficient: a warning can easily be missed, especially 
> for second hand users not so famaliar with Scilab and if it is hidden 
> among many other warnings).
> I hope that the Scilab will come to its senses and give up making this 
> change.
> Regards.
> Éric.
> 2016-02-18 18:45 GMT+01:00 Samuel Gougeon <sgougeon at free.fr 
> <mailto:sgougeon at free.fr>>:
>     Hello,
>     Le 29/03/2010 11:40, Bruno JOFRET a écrit :
>>     Hi,
>>     Please find attached SEP #40 talking about Cell Arrays.
>>     This SEP is targeting Scilab 6.0 as we will introduce a new
>>     syntax for cells.
>>     Any feedbacks are welcome.
>     6 years after, it is very (very) late to comment or make any
>     suggestion.
>     Yet, Scilab 6.0 is not yet released, so i hope that this won't be
>     too late for the essential:
>     Indexation (extraction and insertion) with {} should really not be
>     introduced.
>     This message comes after first comments and rational recently
>     posted there:
>     http://mailinglists.scilab.org/Scilab-users-a-i-j-specific-extraction-syntax-with-should-not-be-introduced-tp4033484.html
>     As another way to explain why {} extractors and inserters must not
>     be introduced,
>     we may follow the pages of the current version of the SEP
>     available here:
>     http://gitweb.scilab.org/?p=scilab.git;a=blob;f=SEP/SEP_040_cell_arrays.odt
>       * After a cell array *c = { %pi %i %t ; %z "abc" list(1,%s)}*
>         has been (very friendly) built with the new {} heterogeneous
>         concatenator:
>           o the *extraction of the content of any single cell
>             component* should be direct:
>               + with Scilab < 6 : c(5).entries  or c(1,3).entries
>               + with Scilab >=6: c(5) or c(1,3)
>               + with Scilab < 6 : c(5)  or c(1,3)
>               + with Scilab >=6: {c(5)} or {c(1,3)}
>                 Whenever any wrapped-in-cell answer would be needed,
>                 it still can be obtain by packaging the answer,
>                 instead of implementing a "dereferencing" way to
>                 address a content through a very specific {}
>                 extractors and inserters when unwrapped values are
>                 required.
>           o As well, *the insertion into a single component must be
>             direct, and any type of data should be accepted*:
>               + Scilab < 6: c(5).entries = ["Hi" "Hello"]  or
>                 c(1,3).entries = ["Hi" "Hello"]
>               + Scilab >=6: c(5) = ["Hi" "Hello"]  or c(1,3) = ["Hi"
>                 "Hello"]
>                 So, page 4:
>                   # c = cell([4,3,2]); for i = 1:24, c*{i}* = i, end
>                     becomes
>                   # c = cell([4,3,2]); for i = 1:24, c*(i)* = i, end
>           o Is there any reason to not address cells components simply
>             as we do for matrix components, directly with (i,j,..)? I
>             do not find any.
>             The .entries addressing was needed due to the encoding of
>             cells as mlists. But what could motivate keeping any
>             intermediate level to access to the values of data, for
>             extraction as well as for insertion? I do not see a single
>             reason.
>             As noted here-above, from the fact that the LHS object is
>             a cell array, any data type can be accepted and inserted,
>             without any prior packaging of the RHS as a cell array.
>             The wrapping in cell must be done internally by the
>             insertion process.
>           o Then, Scilab 6: c(5) = {"abcd"}  will insert a true
>             elementary cell as the c(1,3) c's component, not the
>             string "abcd". This is a straightforward and very clear
>             syntax. What is in RHS parameter is just values that are
>             inserted in the array, *as is*.
>       * *The SEP does not present **_insertion and extraction of
>         multiple components_ in a once*.
>         After still *c = { %pi %i %t ; %z "abc" list(1,%s)}, *the
>         current implementation is the following:
>           o *multiple insertion*: *a) of corresponding multiple
>             components*:
>               + c(:,1) = { %e "zz" }
>                 assigns %e to c(1,1) and "zz" to c(2,1) /in a
>                 distributive way/!
>                  1. This kind of distributive assignment is a very
>                     great new feature!!
>                  2. The assignment is transparently done using
>                     /linearized indices/. unmatching sizes/formats of
>                     the recipient and of the source is smoothly
>                     handled. Here, a row of cells feeds a column of
>                     cells. This is nice as is! This behavior could
>                     also be implemented with other types of RHS
>                     containers, at least for a list. So
>               + c(:,1) = list(%e, "zz")
>                 should do the same. But it does not:
>                 --> c(:,1) = list(%e, "zz")
>                 Wrong insertion: A Cell expected: use {...} instead of
>                 (...).
>                 This feature might be implemented later. This is not
>                 so urgent as removing the {} addressing.
>                 If this feature is implemented, how will it be
>                 possible to insert a list in a single component?
>                   # c(3) = list(list(%t)) // will do it. Or if the
>                     size of the list is not 1, even
>                   # c(3) = list(%t, %z)    // mismatch could be
>                     handled softly in a comprehensive way
>               + c([1 2]) = { %e "zz" } does the same using a vector of
>                 linearized indices. Great!
>           o *multiple insertion*: *b) of a single component to be
>             replicated*:
>               + c([1 4]) = {"abc"} inserts the same "abc" string at
>                 the 1st and 4th positions in c. This is great! The
>                 only thing is that the syntax should become simply
>                 c([1 4]) = "abc"
>                 In the final implementation that we suggest and hope,
>                 c([1 4]) = {"abc"} will be as well possible but will
>                 insert the cell {"abc"} instead of the string "abc" at
>                 the desired positions.
>           o *multiple extraction:*
>               + c(1,:)   returns{%pi %i %t}: this is great! By
>                 default, this can't be anything else than a cell array.
>                 No c{1,:} syntax is required
>               + c(:,3)   returns {%t ; list(1,%s)}: still great and
>                 expected!
>                 No c{3,:} syntax is required
>               + c(1:2,[1 3]) returns {%pi %t ; %z list(1,%s)} as
>                 expected.
>                 No c{1:2,[1 3]} syntax is required
>               + with a linearized index: c([2 5 3]) returns {%z ; %t ;
>                 %i} column cell, as with matrices addressed with a
>                 linearized index a column is returned: Great!
>                 No c{[2 5 3]} syntax is required
>       * Finally, *what about conversions between a cell array and a
>         list? *We think that this kind of conversion between these 2
>         types of containers should be available in Scilab.
>           o *list => cell* :
>               + If it becomes possible to feed a cell array (or
>                 subarray) with a list as discussed above, then this
>                 kind of conversion won't need anything else. We will
>                 just have to do:
>                 c = cell(2,3); c(:) = list(%pi, %z, %i, "abc", %t,
>                 list(1,%s))
>               + Otherwise: *makecell() *should be kept and renamed
>                 *list2cell()*, instead of being removed. It already
>                 works as expected :
>                 L = list(%pi, %z, %i, "abc", %t, list(1,%s));
>                 --> makecell([2 3], L(:))
>                  ans  =
>                   [1x1 constant]  [1x1 polynomial]  [1x1 constant]
>                   [1x1 string  ]  [1x1 boolean   ]  [    list ]
>           o *cell => list:*
>               + The present special extraction with {:} does it, but
>                 this syntax must be removed. Keeping it only for that
>                 is meaningless:
>                 --> typeof(c{:})
>                  ans  =
>                  list
>               + A new *cell2list()* converter should rather be
>                 implemented.
>     Hoping that this will convince you to remove the {} complicated
>     addressing and the related data wrapping,
>     Best regards
>     Samuel Gougeon
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