[Scilab-Dev] Xcos blocks source code

sgougeon at free.fr sgougeon at free.fr
Tue Nov 7 13:54:05 CET 2017

Hello Shafiul,

>I'm a new user interested in analyzing xcos source code. 
>I think the xcos source is located in 
>location - is this correct? 

Yes, but as well in the modules
SCI\modules\scicos and SCI\modules\scicos_blocks

>Next, I'd like to know where code *for simulating* various "blocks" are located.
>By blocks I mean the individual blocks inside various pallets.
>For example, where would I find the code for various blocks for the "Sink" or "Source" block-groups? 
>By code, I mean the one which will be used to simulate the model, not Scilab UI code. 

They are defined in the scicos_blocks module.

Scicos is the former name of Xcos, before Scilab was forked in Scicoslab and Scilab.


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