[Scilab-Dev] XMLDoc==XMLDoc definition

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Sat Jul 28 18:57:27 CEST 2018

Le 28/07/2018 à 18:54, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Hello Antoine,
> Thanks for your quick answer:
> Le 28/07/2018 à 18:28, Antoine ELIAS a écrit :
>> Hello Samuel,
>> Example outside of xml "object" (lot of overloads)
>> a = mlist(["toto", "id"], 1);
>> b = mlist(["toto", "id"], 1);
>> a == b -> [%t %t]
>> For mlist we compare the type ("toto") and fields  ("id" in this case)
> and
> --> a = mlist(["aBcD", "id" "id2"], 1, 2);
> --> a==a
>  ans  =
>   T T T
> OK: so
> a) there is actually a default equality definition
> b) it is actually type+fields-wise
> c) it looks not documented: none of the list, mlist, tlist, 
> overloading, comparison, and equal pages indicate it.
> d) it is overloadable:
> function  r= %aBcD_o_aBcD(a, b)
>      r  =  typeof(a)==typeof(b);
>      af  =  fieldnames(a);
>      r  =  r  &  and(af==fieldnames(b));
>      for  f  =  af'
>          r  =  r  &  and(a(f)==b(f))
>      end
> endfunction
> --> a==a
>  ans  =
>   T

For a overall lists comparison, we may also use directly
--> isequal(a,a)
  ans  =

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