[Scilab-Dev] type of structs and cells

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Wed Sep 12 21:48:51 CEST 2018

Hello Stéphane,

Le 12/09/2018 à 17:02, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I hope some of you are still reading this list, which has a very low 
> traffic these days... I just discovered, while working on
> https://codereview.scilab.org/#/c/20491/
> https://codereview.scilab.org/#/c/19114/
> that cells have the same type number, although a different type 
> string. Hence, when you want to differentiate between structs, cells, 
> lists, mlists, tlists, you cannot rely on typeof(), 

I guess you meant that we must use the typeof() instead of type(). 

> since for mlists and tlists they return the usertype, neither on 
> type(), since it does not make the difference between cells and 
> structs. I know there exist isstruct() and iscell(), but why do we 
> have the same type number ??

I had the same question in mind for 2 years. So thanks for asking it 
here explicitly!

Since in Scilab 6 cells and structs are now native types, it could have 
been the opportunity and the right moment to ascribe a dedicated type() 
number to each of them, out of their historical mlist type number 17.

We may imagine that this conservatism is to avoid back-compatibility issues.
However, when we look for the "*17*" pattern in the whole native *.sci 
Scilab files, we get only *85 possibly relevant hits in 58 files* (*.sci 
*.sce *.tst *.dia.ref *.c *.cpp *.java *.xml), over thousands of files.
The full list is attached.

This is much fewer than for some other features removed from 5.5 for 
6.0. By the way, contrarily to a syntactic change like []+n that can't 
be tracked in the code, parsing any external user code for 
"*[^.0-9a-zA-Z%_:"'*/+-;]17[^.0-9a-zA-Z%_:"'*/+-;<]*" is very simple, to 
get on the spots and update relevant occurrences.

So, to me, ascribing dedicated and separate type() numbers to cells and 
structures is still a relevant question, for Scilab 6.1.
Scilab 6 aims to be more consistent. Ascribing new type codes to now 
native cells and structures looks possible at low cost.

Best regards

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Search "[^.0-9a-zA-Z%_:"'*/+-;]17[^.0-9a-zA-Z%_:"'*/+-;<]" (85 hits in 58 files)

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsCatTree.sci (2 hits)
	Line 35:     if type(tree_in_1) <> 17 then
	Line 39:     if type(tree_in_2) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsDepTreeExt.sci (2 hits)
	Line 160:                 if type(tree) == 17 then
	Line 175:         if type(tree_out)==17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsDepTreeFlat.sci (3 hits)
	Line 69:     if (rhs==3) & (type(tree_in) <> 17) then
	Line 169:                 if type(tree) == 17 then
	Line 185:         if type(tree_out)==17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsDESCRIPTIONadd.sci (2 hits)
	Line 52:     if type(tree_in) <> 17 then
	Line 64:     if type(description) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsDESCRIPTIONaddField.sci (1 hit)
	Line 53:     if type(tree_in) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsDESCRIPTIONcat.sci (7 hits)
	Line 61:     if type(tree_in_1) <> 17 then
	Line 65:     if type(tree_in_2) <> 17 then
	Line 156:     if type(tree_in_1) <> 17 then
	Line 160:     if type(tree_in_2) <> 17 then
	Line 218:     if type(tree_in_1) <> 17 then
	Line 222:     if type(tree_in_2) <> 17 then
	Line 244:             if type(package_versions_struct) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsDESCRIPTIONread.sci (1 hit)
	Line 79:         if type(additional) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsDESCRIPTIONrm.sci (1 hit)
	Line 52:     if type(tree_in) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsDESCRIPTIONwrite.sci (2 hits)
	Line 51:     if type(description_in) <> 17 then
	Line 81:             if type(package_versions_struct) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsReadDesc.sci (1 hit)
	Line 38:     if rhs==2 & type(description_in)<>17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsRmfields.sci (1 hit)
	Line 30:     if type(struct_in) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsSaveInstalled.sci (1 hit)
	Line 29:     if type(installed_struct) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsSaveInstalleddeps.sci (1 hit)
	Line 48:     if type(child_deps) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\compatibility_functions\macros\mstr2sci.sci (1 hit)
	Line 20:     if type(x)==17 then

\scilab\modules\core\macros\whos.sci (1 hit)
	Line 42:         elseif _type == 17 | _type == 16 then

\scilab\modules\core\tests\unit_tests\type.dia.ref (6 hits)
	Line 47: // struct <-> 17
	Line 48: if type(struct()) <> 17 then bugmes();quit;end
	Line 49: // cell <-> 17
	Line 50: if type(cell(1,1)) <> 17 then bugmes();quit;end

\scilab\modules\core\tests\unit_tests\type.tst (6 hits)
	Line 65: // struct <-> 17
	Line 66: if type(struct()) <> 17 then pause,end
	Line 68: // cell <-> 17
	Line 69: if type(cell(1,1)) <> 17 then pause,end

\scilab\modules\data_structures\macros\lstsize.sci (1 hit)
	Line 27:     if type(var) <> 15 & type(var) <> 16 & type(var) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\development_tools\macros\assert\assert_checkequal.sci (2 hits)
	Line 73:     if ( or(type(computed)==[16 17]) ) then
	Line 78:     if ( or(type(expected)==[16 17]) ) then

\scilab\modules\development_tools\macros\testexamples.sce (1 hit)
	Line 261:     case 17 then //mlist

\scilab\modules\elementary_functions\macros\isempty.sci (1 hit)
	Line 61:     case 17

\scilab\modules\elementary_functions\macros\resize_matrix.sci (1 hit)
	Line 92:     if ~(or(type(mat)~=[15 16 17]) ..

\scilab\modules\external_objects_java\src\java\org\scilab\modules\external_objects_java\ScilabJavaObject.java (2 hits)
	Line 105:         unwrappableType.put(short.class, 17);
	Line 141:         unwrappableType.put(Short.class, 17);

\scilab\modules\graphics\macros\%h_p.sci (1 hit)
	Line 1107:     elseif or(td==17) then

\scilab\modules\gui\macros\tree_show.sci (3 hits)
	Line 28:     if type(x)<>16 & type(x)<>17 & type(x)<>15 & type(x)<>128 then
	Line 79:         if type(x)==17 & v(1)=="st" then
	Line 89:         if type(o)==16 | type(o)==17 | type(o)==128 then

\scilab\modules\helptools\macros\xmltoformat.sci (8 hits)
	Line 1308:     if type(desc_in_1) <> 17 then
	Line 1312:     if type(desc_in_2) <> 17 then
	Line 1353:     if type(tree) <> 17 then
	Line 1498:     if type(tree) <> 17 then
	Line 1616:     if type(tree_in_1) <> 17 then
	Line 1620:     if type(tree_in_2) <> 17 then
	Line 1703:     if type(tree) <> 17 then
	Line 1839:     if type(tree) <> 17 then

\scilab\modules\io\macros\%_sodload.sci (1 hit)
	Line 33:         if or(type(var) == [15, 16, 17]) then

\scilab\modules\linear_algebra\tests\nonreg_tests\bug_5017.dia.ref (1 hit)
	Line 158:         if type(A)==16|type(A)==17 then

\scilab\modules\linear_algebra\tests\nonreg_tests\bug_5017.tst (1 hit)
	Line 167:         if type(A)==16|type(A)==17 then

\scilab\modules\m2sci\help\en_US\m2scideclare.xml (1 hit)
	Line 96:                                 <td>Matlab cell (17)</td>

\scilab\modules\m2sci\help\fr_FR\m2scideclare.xml (1 hit)
	Line 101:                                 <td>Cell Matlab (17)</td>

\scilab\modules\m2sci\macros\kernel\infer2txt.sci (1 hit)
	Line 41:     elseif tp==17 then

\scilab\modules\m2sci\macros\kernel\sci_m2scideclare.sci (1 hit)
	Line 321:     elseif tp==17 then

\scilab\modules\m2sci\macros\sci_files\sci_char.sci (1 hit)
	Line 24:         elseif A.vtype==16 | A.vtype==17 then

\scilab\modules\overloading\macros\generic_i_h.sci (1 hit)
	Line 51:         if type(index)==15 & and(type(property)<>[15 16 17]) then

\scilab\modules\overloading\tests\nonreg_tests\bug_7244.dia.ref (1 hit)
	Line 21: assert_checkequal(type(foo), 17);

\scilab\modules\overloading\tests\nonreg_tests\bug_7244.tst (1 hit)
	Line 22: assert_checkequal(type(foo), 17);

\scilab\modules\scicos\macros\scicos_scicos\setvalue.sci (1 hit)
	Line 224:                 if type(%vv)<>15& type(%vv)<>16& type(%vv)<>17 then %noooo=-%kk,break,end

\scilab\modules\scicos\macros\scicos_utils\find_scicos_version.sci (1 hit)
	Line 36:     if type(scs_m)==17 || type(scs_m)==128 then

\scilab\modules\scicos\macros\scicos_utils\scicos_getvalue.sci (1 hit)
	Line 269:                 if type(%vv)<>15& type(%vv)<>16& type(%vv)<>17 then %nok=-%kk,break,end

\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\Clone_SuperBlock_in_Diagram.dia.ref (32 hits)
\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\Deep_cloning.dia.ref (63 hits)
\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\Delete_objects.dia.ref (15 hits)
\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\Diagram.dia.ref (114 hits)
\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\Diagram_cloning.dia.ref (16 hits)
\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\from_mlist.dia.ref (42 hits)
\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\Insert_in_SuperBlock.dia.ref (16 hits)
\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\link_preservation.dia.ref (7 hits)
\scilab\modules\scicos\tests\unit_tests\model\SuperBlock.dia.ref (143 hits)

\scilab\modules\scicos_blocks\macros\Sinks\TOWS_c.sci (2 hits)
	Line 56:             // If varnam already exists, then it must be of type struct (17) with fields "values" and "names".
	Line 58:             execstr("if type("+varnam+") <> 17 | or(fieldnames("+varnam+") <> [""values""; ""time""]) then" + ...

\scilab\modules\string\macros\prettyprint.sci (1 hit)
	Line 195:     case 17  then

\scilab\modules\string\macros\sci2exp.sci (3 hits)
	Line 103:     case 17 then            // cells, struct, mlists
	Line 737:             elseif type(a.userdata) == 17 then
	Line 820:             elseif type(a.userdata) == 17 then

\scilab\modules\types\src\java\org\scilab\modules\types\ScilabTypeEnum.java (1 hit)
	Line 26:   sci_mlist(17),

\scilab\modules\xcos\tests\unit_tests\scicos_diagram.dia.ref (1 hit)
	Line 11:     assert_checktrue(or(type(scs_m) == [17 128]));

\scilab\modules\xcos\tests\unit_tests\scicos_diagram.tst (1 hit)
	Line 15:     assert_checktrue(or(type(scs_m) == [17 128]));

\scilab\modules\xcos\tests\unit_tests\xcos_simulate.tst (2 hits)
	Line 15: assert_checkequal(type(scs_m), 17);
	Line 26: assert_checkequal(type(scs_m), 17);

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