[Scilab-Dev] list as output in function call

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at utc.fr
Tue Apr 23 22:46:42 CEST 2019

Le 23/04/2019 à 22:28, Antoine ELIAS a écrit :

> Hello Stéphane,
> Just to be sure, you want that we fill the X-list with all outputs of 
> ngdrid.
> Following witch information, size(X) or size(outputs) ?
> In your cas I suppose that the size is the same.
> What append if X is not a list or does not have the good size ?
the same thing that happens if in ngrid(x(:)) x is not a list or has not 
the good size :-D
> Some functions that returns multiple arguments, "look" how many as 
> expected by caller
> a = size(x) vs [a,b] = size(x) for example.
> Does we must provide size(X) to ngrid ?

After messing around the ast module I know it is not simple. But seeing 
this naïvely, it seems as simple as giving the number of outputs when 

[X(1),X(2),X(3)] = ndgrid(x(:))

> Just a question, specific to ndgrid, why do not update the function to 
> return a list in case of nargout == 1 ?

This kind of behaviour is the default in Julia, for all functions. But 
we don't need this in Scilab...


> Regards,
> Antoine
> Le 23/04/2019 à 22:14, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
>> Hello all,
>> After seeing this question on stackoverflow
>> https://antispam.utc.fr/proxy/2/c3RlcGhhbmUubW90dGVsZXRAdXRjLmZy/stackoverflow.com/questions/55757856/ndgrid-input-and-output-from-cell-array 
>> I realized that the current features of Scilab are quite asymmetric 
>> w.r.t. the use of an "expanded" list as input, which is supported, as in
>> x = list(1:2,1:2,1:2)
>> ndgrid(x(:))
>> and as output, which is not supported, as in
>> X = list(,,)
>> X(:) = ndgrid(x(:))
>> Would it be complicated to implement the above ?
>> S.
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