[Scilab-Dev] Issue with unicode exponents

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Fri Dec 6 10:46:16 CET 2019

Le 29/11/2019 à 00:36, Antoine ELIAS a écrit :
> Le 28/11/2019 à 23:35, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
>> Hello Antoine,
>> Le 28/11/2019 à 23:17, Antoine ELIAS a écrit :
>>> Hello Samuel,
>>> I'm agree with you about the issue.
>>> I will try to find a way to change the console properties inside 
>>> binary like when we change color in nw mode ( W/B vs B/W )
>> Great.
> I hope https://codereview.scilab.org/#/c/21143/ will help.

It great to force the code page in the binaries. That's a pre-requisite 
to then be able to set a TrueType font and to take it actually working 
in the terminal. So i will abandon my commit setting the code page in 
the batch. Thanks.

But always forcing the font to /Consolas/ without testing -- if possible 
-- if a TrueType font is already set instead of Raster, would reset any 
richer user setting like for /DejaVu Mono/. This could be easily blocking.
So, if the binary does not detect the current font and does not test if 
it's already a TrueType UTF-8 one or not, the font should not be forced.

It then will be easy to add some short indications in the documentation 
to drive users to change the font to use a rich one required by the user 
When we set the font of the terminal on Windows, it is saved in the 
registry, and then all forthcoming opened terminals use the same 
relevant font. So it's only a one-time operation.


>> %chars.greek.lower        =  "αβγδεϵζηθικλμνξοπρστυφϕχψωάϐέήϑίϊϰόϱςύϋΰϖώ";
>> %chars.greek.upper        =  "ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘϴΙΪΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΫΦΧΨΩ";
>> %chars.maths.logical      =  "∀∃∄∧∨⋀⋁⊼⊽⊻∁∴∵∎≍";
>> %chars.maths.set          =  "∉∈∊∍∋∌∅∖⋂∩⋃∪⊂⊆⊄⊅⊇⊃⋐⋑⋒⋓";
>> %chars.maths.comparisons  =  "⋘≪≤≲≳≥≫⋙≠≃≄≅≈∽≐≔≕≝";
>> %chars.maths.operators    =  "−±∓∔÷×∏∐∑√∛∜⋅⋆⊕⊖⊝⊗⊘⊙⊚⊛⊜⊞⊟⊠⊡";
>> %chars.maths.integdiff    =  "∂∇∆∫∬∭∮∯∰∱∲∳";
>> %chars.maths.geometry     =  "°′″∟⊾∠∡∢⊥∥∦∺∻≎⊿⋕";
>> %chars.maths.misc         =  "⋮⋰⋯⋱′″∝∞‰‱";
>> %chars.arrows.base        =  "←↖↑↗→↘↓↙↔↕↵↱↴☇⇐⇑⇒⇓⇔⊣⊥⊢⊤";
>> %chars.arrows.thick       =  "⬅⬆➞⬇➚➙➘➔➜➡➥➦➧➨➼➽";
>> %chars.symbols            =  "…⋈⋔⋄♢◊♤♧♡♦♠♣♥©®™♀♂⌘♻«»🚌🚲🚩";
>> %chars.stars              =  "⋆★☆✫✯✰✭✡🔯⊛⍟✪❂✻✼✹✸✶";
>> //%chars.currencies = "¤$€£¥円元₪฿¢₫₣";
>> %chars.lang.french        =  "âàäçéêèëîïôöûùüÂÀÄÇÉÊÈËÎÏÔÖÛÙÜ";
>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.a  =  "あかさたなはまやらわ がざだばぱ";
>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.i  =  "いきしちにひみ りゐ ぎじぢびぴ";
>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.u  =  "うくすつぬふむゆる ぐずづぶぷ";
>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.e  =  "えけせてねへめ れゑ げぜでべぺ";
>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.o  =  "おこそとのほもよろをんごぞどぼぽ";
>> %chars.lang.russian.upper  =  "АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ";  
>> %chars.lang.russian.lower  =  "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя";

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