[Scilab-Dev] get(h_matrix, prop) changed from 5.5.2 to 6.0.0, inconsistent in both cases

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at utc.fr
Wed Feb 6 08:14:04 CET 2019


Le 06/02/2019 à 04:16, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Hello,
> In preparation to Scilab 6.0.2, some unitary or non-regression tests 
> about graphics and GUI show some changes about the format of some 
> properties:
> test_run graphics plot2d_demo show_error
> test_run graphics plot_demo show_error
> test_run graphics bug_14042 show_error
> test_run gui layer show_error
> The first fixes simply propose to update the .dia.ref with the 
> transpose of properties values
> (e.g. https://codereview.scilab.org/#/c/20768 )
> However, the analysis shows that the behavior of get(), that is also 
> called from %h_e(),
> changed from Scilab 5.5.2 to Scilab 6.0.0.
> In both cases, and up to now, the size of the *get(h, prop)* output is 
> not consistent when h is a vector of handles.
> In *5.5.2*:, the output is always a row:
> -->plot();
> -->f = gcf(); Axes = f.children
>  Axes  =
> 2 by 1 matrix of handles:
> =========================
> Axes
> Axes
> -->get(Axes, "visible")
>  ans  =
> !on  on  !
> -->get(Axes*'*, "visible")
>  ans  =
> !on  on  !
> In *6.0.0* and up to now (6.0.2-), the output is always a column:
> --> f = gcf(); Axes = f.children
>  Axes  =
> 2 by 1 matrix of handles:
> =========================
> Axes
> Axes
> --> get(Axes, "visible")
>  ans  =
> !on  !
> !on  !
> --> get(Axes*'*, "visible")
>  ans  =
> !on  !
> !on  !
> To me, the default size of the output should match the size of the 
> matrix of handles.
> Shouldn't it?
> When the value of the property is not scalar, it is the user's 
> responsability to
> reshape the matrix of handles in a way that is compatible with the 
> purpose.
Sometimes the user does not even know how to resize if the values do not 
have the same size:


  h  =

    1.   0.5403023
    2.  -0.4161468
    3.  -0.9899925
    1.   0.841471
    2.   0.9092974

a cell array would be more handy:

  ans  =

   [3x2 constant]
   [2x2 constant]


> Regards
> Samuel
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