[Scilab-Dev] Issue with unicode exponents

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at utc.fr
Fri Nov 29 12:14:38 CET 2019

In fact, it is already supportted in the current version of mintty, even 
if not documented via the command "infocmp screen", as it can be seen in 
the attached screenshot...

But it is a pity that this extension is not supported by any terminal in 
OSx or Linux...


Le 29/11/2019 à 12:10, Stéphane Mottelet a écrit :
> Hello,
> Altough I am the author or this patch, I find this may be a bit too 
> early to make the hypothesis that Scilab would be systematically 
> launched in an environment that allows Unicode chars. This could be, 
> at least, a rendering option (BTW we need an unified way of 
> customizing display in the preferences tab). However, using a one line 
> display seems an improvement to me, it allows a much better rendering 
> of polynomials and rationals (see 
> https://codereview.scilab.org/#/c/21142/). Maybe a intermediary step 
> would be to use a hat notation, e.g.
> --> p=(1+%i+%s)^7
> p = 8-8i -56is -(84+84i)s^2 -140s^3 -(70-70i)s^4 +42is^5 +(7+7i)s^6 +s^7
> The rendering of super/subscripts was very easy 40 years ago when 
> terminals were printing on paper listing. See e.g. 
> http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/terminfo.5.html :
> "If  the  terminal  can  move  up  or  down  half  a line, this can be
>        indicated with hu (half-line up) and hd (half-line down).   
> This  is
>        primarily   useful  for  superscripts  and  subscripts on  
> hard-copy
>        terminals."
> and search e.g. for enter_subscript_mode, exit_subscript_mode. Today 
> none of terminal emulator supports these commands, *excepted the very 
> recent release of mintty (Windows)*:
> http://cygwin.1069669.n5.nabble.com/ANNOUNCEMENT-Updated-mintty-3-0-1-td146161.html
> here is a excerpt of the release notes:
> Highlights
>    * New character attributes *superscript*, *subscript*, shadowed, 
> overstrike.
>    * DEC VT420 screen control features.
>    * Fully VT100-compatible, including VT52 mode (with graphics).
>    * Up to 6 key modifiers, including Meta (Win key) and configurable
> Hence, using mintty console would allow a neat display of polynomials 
> in CLI mode.
> S.
> Le 29/11/2019 à 00:36, Antoine ELIAS a écrit :
>> Le 28/11/2019 à 23:35, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
>>> Hello Antoine,
>>> Le 28/11/2019 à 23:17, Antoine ELIAS a écrit :
>>>> Hello Samuel,
>>>> I'm agree with you about the issue.
>>>> I will try to find a way to change the console properties inside 
>>>> binary like when we change color in nw mode ( W/B vs B/W )
>>> Great.
>> I hope https://codereview.scilab.org/#/c/21143/ 
>> <https://antispam.utc.fr/proxy/2/c3RlcGhhbmUubW90dGVsZXRAdXRjLmZy/antispam.utc.fr/proxy/2/c3RlcGhhbmUubW90dGVsZXRAdXRjLmZy/codereview.scilab.org/#/c/21143/> 
>> will help.
>>>> But I does not show trouble with 2 or 3 and others superscript numbers.
>>>> With this configuration
>>> Neither does it for me, provided that this setting is done /before/ 
>>> running Scilab.
>>> By the way, /Lucida console/ is much UTF-8-richer than /Consolas/ 
>>> (you may test the text below in Scinotes with both fonts, and 
>>> compare their renderings), and superscripts 0,4-9 are bigger.
>>> Nevertheless, i am a bit afraid that with all this UTF-8 stuff, the 
>>> display result depends on some locales.
>>> When i write help pages in Notepad++ in UTF-8 encoding, when i 
>>> copy/past some UTF-8 (see below),
>>> sometimes it's OK, sometimes i get only rectangles... Not clear why..
>>> Samuel
>>> -----------------------------
>>> // http://bugzilla.scilab.org/9221
>>> %chars.greek.lower        =  "αβγδεϵζηθικλμνξοπρστυφϕχψωάϐέήϑίϊϰόϱςύϋΰϖώ";
>>> %chars.greek.upper        =  "ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘϴΙΪΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΫΦΧΨΩ";
>>> %chars.maths.logical      =  "∀∃∄∧∨⋀⋁⊼⊽⊻∁∴∵∎≍";
>>> %chars.maths.set          =  "∉∈∊∍∋∌∅∖⋂∩⋃∪⊂⊆⊄⊅⊇⊃⋐⋑⋒⋓";
>>> %chars.maths.comparisons  =  "⋘≪≤≲≳≥≫⋙≠≃≄≅≈∽≐≔≕≝";
>>> %chars.maths.operators    =  "−±∓∔÷×∏∐∑√∛∜⋅⋆⊕⊖⊝⊗⊘⊙⊚⊛⊜⊞⊟⊠⊡";
>>> %chars.maths.integdiff    =  "∂∇∆∫∬∭∮∯∰∱∲∳";
>>> %chars.maths.geometry     =  "°′″∟⊾∠∡∢⊥∥∦∺∻≎⊿⋕";
>>> %chars.maths.misc         =  "⋮⋰⋯⋱′″∝∞‰‱";
>>> %chars.arrows.base        =  "←↖↑↗→↘↓↙↔↕↵↱↴☇⇐⇑⇒⇓⇔⊣⊥⊢⊤";
>>> %chars.arrows.thick       =  "⬅⬆➞⬇➚➙➘➔➜➡➥➦➧➨➼➽";
>>> %chars.symbols            =  "…⋈⋔⋄♢◊♤♧♡♦♠♣♥©®™♀♂⌘♻«»🚌🚲🚩";
>>> %chars.stars              =  "⋆★☆✫✯✰✭✡🔯⊛⍟✪❂✻✼✹✸✶";
>>> //%chars.currencies = "¤$€£¥円元₪฿¢₫₣";
>>> %chars.lang.french        =  "âàäçéêèëîïôöûùüÂÀÄÇÉÊÈËÎÏÔÖÛÙÜ";
>>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.a  =  "あかさたなはまやらわ がざだばぱ";
>>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.i  =  "いきしちにひみ りゐ ぎじぢびぴ";
>>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.u  =  "うくすつぬふむゆる ぐずづぶぷ";
>>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.e  =  "えけせてねへめ れゑ げぜでべぺ";
>>> %chars.lang.japanese.hiragana.o  =  "おこそとのほもよろをんごぞどぼぽ";
>>> %chars.lang.russian.upper  =  "АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ";  
>>> %chars.lang.russian.lower  =  "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя";
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> -- 
> Stéphane Mottelet
> Ingénieur de recherche
> EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
> Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
> Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
> CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
> Tel : +33(0)344234688
> http://www.utc.fr/~mottelet
> _______________________________________________
> dev mailing list
> dev at lists.scilab.org
> https://antispam.utc.fr/proxy/1/c3RlcGhhbmUubW90dGVsZXRAdXRjLmZy/lists.scilab.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
Tel : +33(0)344234688

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